1. European Campaign of the Year
European Youth Forum / League of Young Voters
Alliance for Responsible Democracy
FleishmanHillard, FleishmanHillard
The Alliance for Responsible Democracy campaign aimed to improve democracy in Europe by vigorously advocating for the need to raise the voting age to 25...
...or so young people thought.
The aim was to provoke young people to stand up for their right to vote and amplify the voice of active youth. By the end of the campaign, over 6 million Europeans were reached through social media.
Falu Rödfärg
The Moonhouse
Rippler Communications
In 2014 Falu Rödfärg, the original Swedish red paint celebrated its 250-year anniversary and sought to bring the brand into the future. The idea was to revive the first art project on the Moon (that had been put on hold after the financial crisis in 2008) through crowdfunding. The Moonhouse became global news, reaching over 900 million people all over the globe and took the brand into the future.
Maersk Drilling
Moving boundaries within offshore drilling
To double the size of the company and find, attract, and recruit people we had to think of new ways to engage potential employees. Moving away from traditional communication, our social media strategy has rewarded us with a stronger employer brand and a larger pool of relevant potential employees. We have made several hires through social media and are, in addition, first movers in our industry.
Mazda (Suisse S.A)
Mazda - Voilà ma Suisse
Edelman Suisse, JWT Fabrikant
Mazda in Switzerland is mainly seen as a good price-value brand. To change the brand perception into a more emotional and engaging brand Mazda established a campaign, which allows as many people as possible to experience and share a personal Story while driving and experiencing the Mazda products. “Voilà ma Suisse” is a social media campaign putting Switzerland emotionally on the map.
Toyota Norway
Try My Hybrid - Toyota
Geelmuyden Kiese Norge, Saatchi & Saatchi Norway
We challenged existing Toyota Hybrid owners to offer a test drive of their car to friends, neighbours and others. Over 300 hybrid-owners registered on the website "prøvminhybrid.no", where they were linked to potential test-drivers through Facebook. The results: 150 000 unique visitors on ‘prøvminhybrid.no’ and 10 times more registrations for a test-drive compared to earlier campaigns.
2. Newcomer Agency of the Year
beebop media AG
Hey there, we’re beebop media from Hamburg, St.Pauli; an aspiring agency for digital brand development. Our, by now, 30-person team is devising cross-media campaigns for our customers using social and new media tools. What defines us? Predominantly our abundant growth over the last three years in combination with a steadily increasing budget, the quality of our work and our authentic company philosophy. This has made us from an underdog of the scene to a highly demanded full service agency.
navos – Public Dialogue Consultants: Dialogue as a requirement and success factor
navos embodies sincere and innovative stakeholder dialogue: the art of conducting relevant dialogue to achieve change – as the basis and heart of public relations.
navos performs where dialog is most urgent: community relations, change & crisis PR, internal communication.
Anja Schlicht and Markus Hilse founded navos in 2011 with offices in Berlin & Düsseldorf. In less than 3 years navos received 12 national and international excellence awards for its work – more than any other newcomer agency.
desiBel Agency
desiBel is an agency that would provide 360 degrees communication services in real terms. For desibel, carrying the concept of decibel (dB), the international unit for sound intensity to communication is the most fundamental parameter. desiBel, with a creative and passionate approach and a highly experience and qualified team, provides modern, swift, target-oriented customized service for every stakeholder.
3. Agency of the Year
Weber Shandwick
We are a global PR firm with offices in 81 countries. Our diverse team of strategists, analysts, producers, designers & developers has won the most prestigious awards in the world for innovative, creative approaches and impactful work. Expertise includes consumer marketing, corporate reputation, healthcare, technology, public affairs, financial services, corporate social responsibility, financial communications and crisis management, using proprietary social, digital and analytics methodologies.
Edelman is the world’s largest independent PR Agency, with over 5000 people in 65 cities worldwide. We provide strategic thinking and deliver high-impact campaigns, across the full spectrum of communications. Grounded by core values and strengthened by our independence, Edelman helps clients communicate, engage and build relationships with their stakeholders.
We are proud of our independent, entrepreneurial spirit and our commitment to providing the highest standards of client service and tale
In an industry dominated by 10 agencies (owned by three big firms), LEWIS is one of the few independent agencies, scaling to disrupt the oligarchy that dominates PR.
LEWIS is an employee-owned company with over 500 team members and 28 offices worldwide. We make the business decisions, not outside investors. Our focus on innovative PR services, international expansion, client retention and reinvestment has made us profitable every year.
FTI Consulting Brussels - a dynamic agency bucking the trend with rapid growth in a challenging environment
FTI Consulting Brussels is unique. Unlike communications agencies, we are a business advisory firm (FCN NYSE) focused on adding value through bespoke strategic programmes, integrating dedicated research, economic consulting, modelling, our digital comms expertise & an evidence-based approach to M&A & sector restructuring. Our clients recognise us as deep-thinking, results-oriented senior consultants who design programmes around their specific needs.
Ketchum - Bringing a New Vision to Life
Ketchum is the largest PR firm in Europe.
This is no accident. It stems from our vision is to be the most valued agency in the world - an agency that starts with the most powerful type of communication there is – authentic, earned content and conversation.
This vision shapes our global practices in more than 130 offices and affiliates in over 70 countries. It also delivers extraordinary business results for our clients.
4. Automotive and Transport
Airbus Comfort Campaign
Good Relations
Competition for aircraft sales between Airbus and Boeing is fierce. Our challenge was to focus conversations ahead of crucial sales opportunity the Dubai Airshow on seat width, a major product differentiator (Airbus’ 18’ vs Boeing’s 17’). Building a data-led case, we executed a global media and social media programme which directly impacted the buying connection between Airbus and its customers.
Mazda (Suisse) S.A)
Mazda - Voilà ma Suisse
Edelman Suisse, JWT Fabrikant
Mazda in Switzerland is mainly seen as a good price-value brand. To change the brand perception into a more emotional and engaging brand Mazda established a campaign, which allows as many people as possible to experience and share a personal Story while driving and experiencing the Mazda products. “Voilà ma Suisse” is a social media campaign putting Switzerland emotionally on the map.
Nissan Europe
The Self-Cleaning Nissan Note
Performance Communications
To introduce the Nissan Note to a wider, non-automotive audience more than a year after it was unveiled to the media, we used innovative water-repellent paint technology to create the world’s first ever self-cleaning car. For just £21,000, we secured over 600 pieces of global coverage and delivered video content attracting nearly 5 million views plus over 40,000 shares on social media.
Peugeot Automobili Italia Spa
Peugeot 308 - Design & Driving
Havas Worldwide Milan S.r.l
The segment C is dominated by Golf.The last Peugeot 308 didn’t manage to conquer a significant position:it was time for a new challenge. A revolutionary conception of car design: lighter 100 kg and the innovative Peugeot i-Cockpit for a superior road control. The campaign tells with the empathic and emotional voice of Accorsi, as it were a recipe, the differentiating elements that make 308 unique.
TPCA - The third shift
Havas PR
Czech carmaker Toyota Peugeot Citroen Automobile (TPCA) saw low interest of new employees which were needed in order to open new production shift. After very intensive and well targeted 5-months campaign the company received thousands of CVs and was able to hire the necessary 700 new workers. All the newcomers are from the Czech Republic, so TPCA didn´t have to bring the employees from abroad.
5. Energy
Petrol for the Price of Biogas
Miltton & SEK
Biogas is a fantastic fuel but only few drivers, petrol stations or car dealers know this. To educate a wide target group, Gasum pulled off an all-round event. A massive queue of cars emerged to spark the nation’s interest. With education at its heart, the stunt earned a reach of 32 million, an all-time high of awareness for Gasum, and new opportunities for biogas-fueled car models.
ABB Energy Efficiency Report
Namics AG
In 2014 ABB published "The state of global energy efficiency", based on research of the independent research institute Enerdata. Our objective was to break down the 50,000 data points from the report and make them available for the general public and opinion leaders, bloggers and journalists. Our solution was to build a microsite, where we represent the data using an interactive world map.
E.ON Digital Excellence 2016
As one of Europe’s leading utility companies, E.ON faces new challenges and opportunities. In order to be able to react and adapt, E.ON has initiated digital transformation with the goal of becoming a digital leader by 2016. A dedicated Digital Transformation Unit will foster a culture of change and innovation in all business fields, from communications and business development to service design.
Royal DSM
Project LIBERTY Grand Opening
To celebrate the first commercial scale cellulosic ethanol facility in North America, POET and DSM organized a Grand Opening in the small town of Emmetsburg, Iowa. It was attended by the King of the Netherlands, the US Secretary of Agriculture and other dignitaries. It attracted 3,000 visitors and reached tens of millions across the globe via mainstream media, social media and live video feeds.
Skupina ČEZ
Energy of our Athletes at the 2014 Winter Olympics
AMI Communications
The campaign coinciding with the Winter Olympics in Sochi drew attention to the largest Czech utility’s ongoing campaign and highlighted the partnership with the Czech Olympic Committee. Using real data of the energy output of the Czech Olympians and converting it into electricity, we promoted – through various activities – the association between energy = Skupina ČEZ.
6. Technology and Consumer Electronics
Microsoft and The Rise of the Humans
‘Information overload’ is an experience shared by many UK office workers. To make people reconsider how technology can help them address their ‘always on’ work culture, Edelman & Microsoft created The Rise of the Humans, a professionally published book about redefining our relationship with technology. 5,000+ books sold/downloaded, £4m pipeline of sales revenue generated & 40+ articles published.
Solar Impulse, the Game
Solar Impulse, the first round-the-world in a solar plane, is a crucial engineering partner for Altran. Therefore, we wanted to develop a way for the general public to understand how Altran guides Solar. We created a serious game in which you take part in the mission and help Solar Impulse travelling across the world.
Who Wants to be Junior?
Grayling & Citigate Norden AB
The podcast Who Wants to be Junior? for easy-to-use telecom products company Doro. The objective was to go beyond sales campaigns by letting famous Swedish seniors tell their stories. The inspiring interviews were a hit on Itunes and helped change the conversation about getting older, while having a clear connection to the products and increasing the engagement among Doro’s audience.
Philips Lighting
Ketchum and the OneVoiceConnect global team
As parents know, many children fear under the bed monsters at night-time.
In collaboration with Philips Lighting, the OneVoiceConnect global team sought to help families conquer this fear to make children’s lighting more relevant to busy parents.
Through an integrated social media and influencer campaign we showed how a child’s fears can actually be used for comfort and a good night’s sleep.
Samsung Maestros Academy
Samsung Maestros Academy is the first digital conservatory that uses Samsung products to reconnect the greatest living “Made in Italy” legends with young talents. Samsung Maestros Academy inspired an entire generation to look at handcrafting with new eyes, enhancing the consumer awareness on specific products-features and even elevating Samsung brand to a powerful enhancer of people’s talent.
Launching the Raspberry Pi B+
EML Wildfire
As one of two distributors of a new Raspberry Pi credit card-sized computer, element14 needed to be seen as the place to buy by engineers and electronics enthusiasts. Combining media outreach, social engagement and stunt activity, an intensive campaign on launch day generated widespread awareness and buzz, media coverage and web traffic. Stock sold out within two days.
7. Telecommunications
Living with Lag
ANR BBDO, Stopp Family in collaboration with Hard Hat
Ume.net offers the fastest internet in the world. To illustrate this we performed an experiment where we applied the symptoms of slow Internet to real life.
The vital part of the experiment was a custom built lag machine. We then let four people try living with lag.
The experiment was a huge success and resulted in 5.6 million views on Youtube and 78 million impressions all over the world.
Aruba Networks
Aruba Networks #GenMobile
Waggener Edstrom Communications
#GenMobile campaign directly contributed to the 28% year-on-year growth of Aruba, as referenced in CEO Dominic Orr’s Q3 earnings statement in May 2014. We started with an EMEA-only media relations programme for Aruba Networks around the business case for enterprise Wi-Fi and mobile technology. We finished with a global influencer and social campaign.
Facile.it launches phone rates comparison
In June 2014 Facile.it had to present the branch dedicated to mobile phones rates comparison. To do that, the company created a two phases communication activity: the first one dedicated to business media, the second one, focused on savings and holidays, targeted on consumer media. The campaign increased by 33% the UV on the page and generated more than 60% of accesses on the second launch day.
Introduction of Vodafone SmartPass
Glasnost International B.V.
As a new player in the financial world, Vodafone wanted to be the first to communicate about mobile contactless payments. We developed a campaign that revolved around Vodafone's vision: the wallet will be history. The centrepiece of the layered campaign was the first wallet-less street, where media and influencers could only shop with their mobile phone. It generated €550,000 in PR value
Wind Telecomunicazioni
Ogilvy & Mather Italy
The film tells the story of a man who decides to leave the city where he lives (London) to go to find his father who he has not seen for some time. He makes a conscious decision not to speak to him over the phone or by email. Because when the heart needs to speak, technology falls silent.
8. Finance
Aegon’s National Property Damage Prevention Program
Uniomedia Communications PR and branding agency
The property insurance market in Hungary became highly price sensitive while 86% of the population has encountered property damage. Aegon, the largest property insurer offers high quality insurances, but not at the lowest price. With a multi-partner campaign they were able to draw the attention to the importance of insurance service quality and increase brand consideration to 46% (vs. 28% in 2013)
Asstel ProKunde Versicherungskonzepte GmbH
Asstel - The worst customer: An insurance nightmare
We created a web special for the direct insurance company Asstel. The center piece of this special was a simple guessing game called “The worst customer“. Users were encouraged to answer one question: How much damage did John McClane cause in the movie “A good day to die hard”? A video and the simple game mechanic illustrated this idea.
Ikano Flappy Saver
23 Critters, Volontaire
The young have lost confidence in banks. To enhance kinship with founder IKEA, simplify economy and become relevant we launched Flappy Saver – a savings’ homage to Flappy Bird.
By daring to be different the bank reached 116 million people and was positioned as “Banking IKEA Style”. Sweden’s young played the game over 1, 52 million times, committed 154 days to a bank and shared it with others.
Lietuvos draudimas, AB
Integrated home insurance campaign "GET THE FEEL OF IT"
VRP Hill+Knowlton Strategies, VRP Hill+Knowlton Strategies
In two months the consideration of low-demand category of home insurance rose by 3 % (reached target), home insecurity feeling – by 8 % and number of product inquires grew several times. The campaign reached 33 % of all target audience and 47 % said it made them considering home safety issue, post campaign research reveals.
NN Group
LifeMappr is a unique (web)application that visualizes your future based on your Facebook profile, statistics and intelligence. With minimum effort it creates a personalized movietrailer of your life, a timeline of the future and a financial overview. Edit your future, and LifeMappr automatically presents your updated movie, future timeline and the impact of your changes on your future finances.
9. Health
Launching the Firefly Upsee
The Firefly Upsee is a standing & walking harness for wheelchair-bound children. Invented by a mother & manufactured by Leckey, it was a product that was as much about enhancing lives as it was about improving mobility. JPR was tasked with launching the Upsee to the global market – a campaign entirely reliant on PR. The campaign was to reflect both the function, potential and joy of this product.
#Backie - When Swedes turned their back on cancer
Around 500 people now die from skin cancer in Sweden every year. B-M created the original and engaging #Backie campaign for Euromelanoma, persuading celebrities and Swedes to post photos of their naked backs on Instagram to raise awareness of the need to check even hard-to-see bits of your body. The campaign had a reach of 3 million people and 5,000 people signed up for a free skin check.
Communications on Medtronic Junior Cup Diabetes 2014
Medtronic Junior Cup Diabetes is an annual event promoting the practice of sports among children with diabetes type 1, giving participants and parents a unique opportunity to exchange experiences and discover new ways to cope with the condition. Making new friends while playing football and having fun helps young patients gain confidence. Communications are an integral part of this initiative.
Projekt Test
Generation Minus – free from HIV
Partner of Promotion Sp. z o.o.
In Poland HIV prevention is a taboo subject. Thanks to the „Project Test – Generation Minus” we managed to change it. Direct result of campaign: number of women getting tested increased for over 80%. Why it’s so important? Appropriately early detection of infection of mother, makes it possible to deliver treatment and prevent child from HIV. Agency and celebrities supported campaign pro bono.
World Hepatitis Alliance
World Hepatitis Day 2014
Ketchum Ltd
World Hepatitis Day 2014 engaged more audiences and generated more conversation than ever before. 144 countries and 84 Governments supported the campaign. Social media conversation increased by 70% to reach over 140million people. The pinnacle was a Commonwealth Games event in Glasgow with the world's largest interactive Tweet wall. An SMS campaign in Sub-Saharan Africa reached 6.5million people.
10. Fashion and Beauty
Unilever - All Things Hair
Weber Shandwick
Unilever brought its haircare brands together for the first time to create All Things Hair – a content-based channel of video styling tips from leading vloggers that used Big Data analysis of search terms and trend prediction to ensure it was what women wanted. The gamble paid off: Unilever now owns haircare on YouTube, with over 160,000 subscribers and over 16 million channel views since launch.
Celeste Buckingham for L´Oréal Paris
For the first time in its history, L’Oréal Paris had used for advertisement of its products the local ambassador, who will address and inspire the focus group. With the help of 360° campaign we have set up a suitable marketing mix with emphasis on PR and digital communication. The shared project for CZ and SK with ambassador Celeste Buckingham was unusually successful and will continue in 2015.
Max Factor
Ketchum's London office was tasked with an awareness campaign for the U.K. launch of Max Factor’s latest mascara and look of the season, Excess Volume. We knew our target audience. She increasingly looks to social media and fashion trendsetters for recommendations. We also knew our fashion trendsetters, the utterly fabulous and highly selective U.K. influencers who fiercely guard their reputation.
Procter & Gamble
Oral B En Vogue
Hill + Knowlton Strategies
In 2013, Oral-B chose VOGUE Paris as the partner to debut the Oral-B-BLACK at Fashion Night Out. Like any true fashion label, the BLACK had its own boutique. This allowed the Oral-B BLACK 7000 to share the runway with some of the most coveted brands on the planet. This allowed the 20,000 event attendees to experience the product as it was truly meant to be experienced: as a premier style icon.
Changing perception: eBay is the main destination to buy fashion inventory for Russians!
Grayling Russia
Complex campaign developed to change perception of the Russian audience of eBay being an auction website to buy vintage and used stuff to promoting eBay as the main fashion destination where Russians can explore brands, get inspired and discover what they want. The campaign increased the database of active users due to attraction of people interested in brand new affordable online shopping.
11. Sports and Lifestyle
adidas Nordics
Stan Yourself
Jung Relations
By letting a new generation of tastemakers that have no connection to Stan Smith be part of the brand, we made Stan Smith the most sought after sneaker of the season while at the same time establishing a longstanding relationship with a new group of consumers. The shoe was sold out in ten days and was not only all over our audience's channels but also covered in 90% of our top tier media.
GARDENA Deutschland GmbH
Karkalis PR
Watching football everyone sees the turf but nobody associates it with the leading supplier of gardening tools. We wanted to change this. We therefore developed a true world first to coincide with the World Cup: a table football covered with genuine grass. With this we toured 14 German cities while Brazil hosted the World Cup. Accompanying us on the tour:table football world champion Chris Marks.
Helly Hansen
The Dare
Helly Hansen combined several marketing and sponsor initiatives into the concept The Dare: Six lifestyle bloggers were challenged to run the 30K trail race Nordmarkstraver'n. Through only 3 months of preparation we followed their way to the start, as they let the public take part in their progress via social media and Helly Hansen's app, and the social media following received an immense boost.
Tough Mudder Ltd
Tough Mudder Ambassadors Campaign
Edelman GmbH
With five events over 10 months in Germany, Tough Mudder, the infamous obstacle course, wanted to create a buzz, activate the community and engage with new target groups. Our integrated approach involved four online influencers acting as Tough Mudder ambassadors and resulted in 153% increase in sales compared to 2013. Our campaign is now best practice for Tough Mudder teams in other markets.
Helping adidas become the most talked about brand at the 2014 FIFA World Cup
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Ltd
To make adidas the most talked about brand at the FIFA World Cup, we assembled a fully integrated team to implement a content-led publishing programme for the brand across traditional and digital channels. This strategy led to over 600 pieces of coverage, 1.5 million engagements on social media and helped adidas’ #allin tagline become the most used brand hashtag on Twitter during the tournament.
12. Entertainment & Culture
MTV Sweden
MTV Match Machine
PROBLEM: To create massive awareness for the new MTV show “Are you the one?” among teenagers, when the interest for TV is decreasing.
SOLUTION: A unique Facebook app – “Match Machine” – where people are paired with the one friend they fit together the best. The app was tailored so that it would create a viral effect.
RESULTS: The app went viral and created over 834 million impressions worldwide.
Prime Public Relations i Sverige AB
When Folkoperan was debuting the St Matthew Passion they needed to reach a younger audience. So we took the theme of the play and set it in a modern context and created Unshared, a social hub for sharing secrets in 140 characters. Media reach was 5,8 million and number of sold seats increased by 53%.
Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A.
Curator For A Day
Gallerie D'Italia and Intesa Sanpaolo present CURATOR FOR A DAY, an initiative confirming the aim of Intesa Sanpaolo to bring culture closer to people. Participants choose on curatorforaday.it an artwork from Gallerie d'Italia and propose their own idea of its reinterpretation. The best ideas will become video performances at Gallerie and be broadcast on Digital Platforms of Intesa Sanpaolo.
Microsoft Norge
Office Art Work Wonders
Microsoft wanted to highlight all the features of the Office365 package when the service changed this year. Throught #altmedoffice we highlighted features of Office365 in both traditional and social media. We then created an art show using mainly PPT, to show creative usage possibilities and reach new audiences. Engagement and pride was built internally, as well as contributing to key sales goals.
Samsung Benelux
Samsung Curved UHD TV – World Record of Watching TV
HvdM, Saatchi & Saatchi | Leo Burnett The Netherlands
In May 2014 Samsung launched the Curved UHD TV. To create awareness during the launch, Samsung organized the world record attempt of watching TV. The long-tail PR strategy resulted in 206 publications, a PR value of almost € 1.225.000,-, a total reach of almost 150.000.000 and over 1.350.000 impressions on social media. The ROI was 9.
13. Science and Education
TECHNOSEUM State Museum of Technology in Mannheim
The Goethe Guerrilla Campaign
Schleiner + Partner Kommunikation GmbH
27 million media contacts – generated by the guerrilla action of one night. Young activists placard posters in an October night in 2013 in all Goethe streets in the southern state of Germany. On the posters were shown Goethe mapped with a notebook and the question "Would Goethe wrote in this way Faust III?" The objective of this campaign is to pay attention to the dramatic shortage of technicians.
Arts University Bournemouth
kscope — Arts University Bournemouth's gift to the curious
Bond & Coyne
The kscope app is a digital brand initiative to build awareness and start conversations with a young, creative and marketing-cynical audience. Also to build awareness amongst the creative industries and the media . To date it has had 58,000 downloads and played a key part in delivering 17% year on year rise in applications in a flat market. Developed with AUB alumni design agency, Bond & Coyne.
Egmont Publishing
comics in education
Cohn & Wolfe Stockholm
Literacy among children is falling. The Comics in Teaching project is an initiative to enhance the desire to read among Swedish schoolchildren. We produced specially written comics and organized comic workshops in schools. At present more than 150 schools all over Sweden have ordered the teaching material, and the project has created a real stir both in the world of education and in the media.
The Norwegian School of Information Technology
Future Heads
The Norwegian School of IT wanted to recruit more students. We searched for the heads of the future by inviting potential students to 3D scan their heads on a website. We 3D printed the most popular heads as modern statues for prestigious exhibition venues. We used the technology at education fairs, and 3D printed heads for visitors. Number of applicants: +12%. Number of contracts: +42%.
UiT Norges Arktiske Universitet
UiT The Arctic University of Norway: Educating students the world needs
When the world’s most northern university merged to become The Arctic University of Norway, it asked B-M to help it rebrand and attract more students. The new visual identity and messaging, communicated through owned, earned and paid media, resonated with young people: in 2014, UiT had a higher increase in applications than every other uni in Norway: 13% more, against a national average of 2.3%.
14. Travel and Tourism
Are you Klaus-Heidi?
Burson-Marsteller, DDB
Lufthansa was one of five airlines on the route Stockholm-Berlin, with fierce competition and a price war when it came to communication. “Are you Klaus-Heidi?” challenged Swedes to legally change their name to Klaus-Heidi with the prize of winning a new life in Berlin. In total, 42 to Swedes changed their names and the campaign had over 240,000,000 media impressions in 30 countries worldwide.
British Airways
Discover UK destination with British Airways
Grayling Russia
British Airways in Russia holds one the leading positions on Moscow-London route however to strengthen the loyalty of existing clients and attract new passengers, as well as making the airline a number 1 choice when flying to UK, British Airways conducted interactive consumer communication campaign supported by Grayling Russia.
Norwegian Air Shuttle
When Norwegian established themselves they revolutionised national travel habits. By pushing the prices down and the offers up, ‘everybody’ had the option of flying. Norwegian connected parts of Norway closer to each other, to Europe and to the rest of the world.
Norwegian doesn’t just take you from A to B but from longing to reunion. This is what we wanted to remind Norwegians of.
Robert Bosch GmbH Branch in Italy
Ride the Way is a digital project dedicated to bikers and travels in the saddle.
It has been a successful project because it created for the first time a community dedicated to the world of two wheels.
The project has been developed step by step by the Q&A with the users, and thank to the digital ecosystem (mobile app, web and social media) they can always be connected with their passion.
Scandic Hotels
Scandic To Go
Scandic To Go: mobile hotel rooms with the same high quality finish as all newly renovated Scandic hotels. The hotel rooms can be booked and enjoyed by guests at any location in the Nordics. Scandic To Go has been fully booked since its launch, has surpassed all previous records on Facebook and has increased online bookings with 20 percent as well as put Scandic in new, innovative media contexts.
15. Food and Beverage
Orkla Confectionery & Snacks Norge
Laban goes on holiday
Every summer Norwegians go on holiday, and every summer the sales of Laban jellyman fall. We got Norwegians to bring Laban on holiday, and document it, treating the jellyman as part of the family. Summer of 2014, more than 600 pictures were taken from all over the world, and shared with 600,000 Norwegians through Laban’s own channels. Sales increased by 11 % compared to last year.
Badoit Express
Agence ELAN and Ubi Bene
In the highly competitive sparkling water sector, Badoit wanted to reinforce its position as the sparkling water to accompany gourmet meals. Badoit, with support from ELAN and Ubi Bene, presented Badoit Express: a surprise event during France’s Fête de la Gastronomie that created a stir on Paris’s famous Rue de Rivoli and turned it into the first ever gourmet traffic jam!
Bushmills Live
Smarts Communicate
How does a small Irish Whiskey grab the attention of the world’s media, make influential friends and tap into the lucrative 18-34 year old market?
By turning its sleepy distillery into the venue for a global music festival –Bushmills Live.
This global PR campaign was the basis of Bushmills' marketing activity throughout the year which strongly contributed to its exceptional 10% growth in sales.
Cohn & Wolfe Stockholm
Lidl is a discount supermarket chain. For years Lidl tried to convince Swedish people about the quality in their products. But no one believed them. Low price and quality just don't go together. So how do you convince people about this impossible equation? We built and opened a pop up restaurant in Stockholm, named DILL (an anagram of LIDL). The restaurant was fully booked from first day to last.
Rentokil Initial plc
Pestaurant by Rentokil
Rentokil wanted to be the first brand on people’s lips when they encounter a pest problem and to boost awareness during the peak season. Our answer was to create the world’s first Pop-Up Pestaurant serving up a menu of pests (eg pigeon burgers, BBQ meal worms & chocolate-dipped ants) - that Rentokil is better known for exterminating. Events in 11 countries / 24 hours. Media coverage was extensive.
16. Ecology and Environment
The Ocean Cleanup
The Ocean Cleanup
Citigate First Financial
Citigate advised on communications in an exciting, world changing project: The Ocean Cleanup (TOC). Boyan Slat's (20) brilliant idea on how to cleanup plastics from our oceans. In June he presented his feasibility study. On the back of approximately 110 interviews resulting in worldwide (viral) coverage, he raised $2.154 mio with support of 38,000 crowd funders from 160 countries in 100 days.
European Commission
The Awakeners - New phase of the ‘Generation Awake’ campaign
ICF Mostra
Boost visibility and impact of an existing EU campaign on Resource Efficiency – revitalise the creative strategy, develop engaging, integrated activities and launch a brand new phase with the theme of better waste management. With a 45% rise in Facebook fans in less than a year, increased stakeholder support and strong media coverage EU-wide, campaign recognition was measurably enhanced.
Keep Britain Tidy
Keep Britain Tidy, Reviving a British Icon
Weber Shandwick
Litter, vandalism and neglect indicate a community in decline; the work of charity Keep Britain Tidy is vital and was under threat.
Our insight was that litter is symptomatic of bigger societal issues and something everyone should take a stand on.
We delivered a solid business and social case for ‘keeping Britain tidy’, with commercial results: over £1m corporate income in Y1.
Oslo kommune Vann- og avløpsetaten
The pink Pee, Poo and Toilet Paper-campaign
Nucleus AS
The Water and Sewer Authorities wanted to reduce the amount of foreign objects flushed down the toilet. We devised a strategy combining advertising and a PR-stunt never seen before anywhere in the world; pink manhole covers in the streets. Our new "communication-channel" proved to be the most efficient of all the channels used in the campaign.
Have a sleepover in nature - Staatsbosbeheer
Edelman, Pink and Poodle
Staatsbosbeheer, commissioned by the Dutch government to manage Holland’s nature reserves, wanted to increase brand awareness, strengthen the relationship with existing nature lovers and attract more people, especially city kids, to Dutch nature reserves and camp sites. As a result, the ‘Have a sleepover in nature’ campaign was launched, increasing Staatsbosbeheer's name and brand recognition.
17. Government Agencies & Parties
The Norwegian Environment Agency
Buzzing Gardens – Bumblebee friendly “dugnad”
Pollinating insects are dying at an alarming rate. We wanted to show that even small efforts by individuals can have huge impact. By enlightening people about the global challenges and spread knowledge about how to carry out a bumblebee friendly spring “dugnad”, the aim was to ensure a national effort to secure the food production of the future. The knowledge of the challenges increased by 50%.
Department of Health, UK Government
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) campaign
A coalition of support was built at national, European and global levels to raise awareness, change behaviour and tackle the problem of (AMR). The international community committed to a global action plan, 7 UK research councils agreed to work together and the UK Prime Minister announced a landmark review of drug development. In June 2014 antibiotics won the £10m Longitude prize.
Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment
Co-creation: a firestarter for conversation
How to inform adolescents about their rights concerning holiday jobs? The Ministry has gone all-in on co-creation: during a festival tour, we collected videos of real adolescents talking about their holiday job, asking questions and giving tips & trics. The videos were then shared via social media and became fire-starters for a successful conversation based campaign with 30mln views, 350K actions
Sécurité routière
Smartphone au volant
Publicis Consultants
In front of the scale, the dangerousness and the trivialization of the smartphones’ use while driving, the Road Safety sent a strong signal to drivers: « when you are looking at your smartphone, who’s watching the road? ». This message raised awareness concerning the risks. It succeeded: 79% of French remember an awareness campaign about the use of smartphones while driving
The Polish Government
“Reliable, involved, experienced – 50+ on the work market!” – governmental public campaign
Partner of Promotion Sp. z o.o.
The age structure of Polish society will be soon one of the oldest in Europe, hence Poland needs people aged 50+ on the work market! The campaign we carried on behalf of the Polish government at activating people 50+. As a result of, positive buzz in the media and a heated debate in the society were created, most importantly, the camping boosted employment among 50, which is rising!
18. Associations
Aktiv Against Cancer
Aktiv Against Cancer
To communicate and highlight the positive effect of physical activity for cancer patients we recreated one of the world’s sexiest music videos, Call on Me, with 8 cancer patients in the starring role. By going against the usual perception of cancer patients being ill we triggered a debate which led to huge national and international attention.
Dutch Traffic Safety Association (VVN)
Dutch National Traffic Safety Association app
Glasnost International B.V.
The Netherlands has one of the highest bicycle density rates in the world. Children go to school on their bikes or by walking by themselves at a relatively young age. Every year all scholars at the age of 10-12 take part in a theoretical and a practical traffic safety exam. As their results were dropping in the exam we decided to develop and activate an app which was downloaded 120,000 times.
Département du Nord
Les Inséparables pour UNA Nord
Edelman Paris
The ‘Les Inséparables’ campaign raised awareness among local policy makers on the issue of home-help financing in the Département du Nord (North of France) by gathering support among home helpers, the elderly and their families, and by shaping local public opinion. Ultimately, the campaign gained leverage at national level too.
EIT ICT Labs Germany GmbH
EIT ICT Labs Idea Challenge
EIT ICT Labs is an innovation network aiming to consistently mobilising talents, ideas, technologies, investments as well as businesses across Europe. With the EU-wide Idea Challenge, a contest has been set-up to link all startup activities in 2014 and open up the network of 120 partners to entrepreneurs. The campaign raised tremendous awareness & activated more than 1,400 startups.
Lithuanian Space Association
Mission Lituanica 80 | First Lithuanian Sattelite In Space
Strateginiu komunikaciju centras, UAB
Despite the scepticism of politicians, a small country like Lithuania can become a cosmic state. A small educational 1 kg satellite can become an event of national importance. How is that possible? By involving the nation to such extent that in the end the President and all members of Parliament unanimously chant the first Lithuanian message from space: Lithuania Loves Freedom.
19. Non-Governmental Organisations
SOS Children's Villages
Little Boy Freezing
Pure Content AS, Släger Kommunikasjon AS
"Little Boy Freezing" is a PR campaign for SOS Children's Villages, that used hidden camera footage of real people reacting to an unusual situation - a little boy freezing at a bus stop in Oslo. We wanted to make people realize that children in Syria were freezing too, and you, the viewer, could make a difference. Inspired by the story "The Little Match Girl", the campaign hit a global nerve.
Centrum ter Preventie van Zelfdoding Vzw
Would you answer this suicide call?
Ogilvy Brussels
The Belgian Suicide Prevention Hotline needed 250 candidates to volunteer in answering emergency calls. We performed an experiment that already pre-selects people who already have a good sense of community, and that can show empathy. The video about the experiment got huge media coverage and views. Website traffic increased with 400% and... we found more than 450 highly-valuable candidates.
European Youth Forum / League of Young Voters
Alliance for Responsible Democracy
FleishmanHillard, FleishmanHillard
The Alliance for Responsible Democracy campaign aimed to improve democracy in Europe by vigorously advocating for the need to raise the voting age to 25...
...or so young people thought.
The aim was to provoke young people to stand up for their right to vote and amplify the voice of active youth. By the end of the campaign, over 6 million Europeans were reached through social media.
The Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee, The “United country” Foundation
“My Hero” campaign for The Accessibility Map (The “United Country” Foundation Project sponsored by the Samsung Electronics with information support of CROS)
There are about 13 million people with disabilities in Russia but the society paid no attention to their social integration. The Accessibility Map project offered a new decision: a website with an interactive map with accessible facilities. In order to support the attention of wide audience to the project CROS launched My Hero campaign with celebrities which got the biggest response ever.
Transparency International
Corruption Perceptions Index
Each year our Corruption Perceptions Index measures the perceived levels of public sector corruption, and sends a powerful message that governments are forced to take notice of.
The 2013 CPI generated unprecedented levels of attention and record traffic via published articles, an embeddable interactive map, true stories, infographics, interviews, a quiz, and social media outreach.
20. International Communication
Stockholm Business Region
Stockholm - It´s not a coincidence
Step2 Communication
Our story about Stockholm - The Capital of Scandinavia - went viral with over 550.000 YouTube views and countless reposts.
It’s an unusual response for a story built on statistics and figures but they all came alive with magic. This one shot film introduces Stockholm in an innovative and playful manner and is as popular as a starter on the worldwide events it was intended for, as it is online.
Airbus Comfort Campaign
Good Relations
Competition for aircraft sales between Airbus and Boeing is fierce. Our challenge was to focus conversations ahead of crucial sales opportunity the Dubai Airshow on seat width, a major product differentiator (Airbus’ 18’ vs Boeing’s 17’). Building a data-led case, we executed a global media and social media programme which directly impacted the buying connection between Airbus and its customers.
HSBC Holdings
HSBC NOW - Our Stories
Take HSBC’s internal video channel, HSBC NOW, onto external platforms.
HSBC NOW launched in 2012 as an internal web-based TV channel, translated into 7 languages. HSBC NOW gives employees around the world a voice to tell their own stories. Employees wanted to watch & share content outside the office. In November 2013, we launched HSBC NOW on external platforms through YouTube, twitter & LinkedIn.
Societe Generale celebrates 150 years serving the economy
In 2014, Societe Generale is celebrating its 150th anniversary. To mark this occasion a host of initiatives were launched for clients & employees around entrepreneurship, innovation and team spirit, the very DNA of the company: Citizen Commitment Games/CCG (€850,000 collected for 60 NPOs), an anniversary breakfast (60 sites worldwide), “Thank you” media campaign, gala evenings, digital journey...
Visit Sweden, Business Sweden, Swedish Institute
Democreativity is a tribute to the democratization of the creative process and is an open invitation for co-creation based on the success factors that helped to build Sweden's creative industries. The project received over 500 ideas from 126 countries and had a total media reach was 147 million.
21. Change Communication
Sky Deutschland AG
Sky Deutschland - The Anatomy of a Turnaround
For 20 years, Sky (formerly Premiere) had the reputation of being a permanently unsuccessful company. The comprehensive “Turnaround” communication campaign, which was launched in 2010 and targeted toward all stakeholders in the company, has brought about a sustained improvement in Sky’s image. Today Sky is seen as a driver of innovation in the German TV market that offers premium programming.
'Mission: Future' Web-based Training in Sustainability
,simple GmbH
'Mission: Future' is a web-based training in sustainability, in which users familiarise with the importance of sustainable management and business activity. For the BMW Group, this training is something completely new: For the first time sustainability is being incorporated into the Training Academy's activities as a central corporate theme and for the first time gamification is adopted.
A planet that calls for a change
Jung Relations
Sweden’s classified site Blocket wanted to change perception from being seen as cost-conscious to being good for the environment. We manifested Blockets environmental advantage in numbers, thereafter we encouraged people to buy secondhand for the sake of the environment. Publicity increased with 300%. Now 42% indicate environmental consideration as the primary reason for using Blocket, 24% before.
SPEM Communications
Once the greatest, once fee free.
After 20 years of free access to all materials in Maribor Public Library, introduction of membership fee meant a significant change in library business operation and it contributed to undermining of the fundamental library mission.The change demanded an employee and local community mind reset. In Maribor with 15% unemployment rate and local protests at the same time, the challenge was enormous.
New Sportka means more millionairs
The lottery company Sazka had changed the game rules after 57 years and had also decided to raise the price by 25%. We have eliminated the possible consequences of the rise of price by opening a discussion about how the Czechs would behave if they won a million CZK with the postscript that thanks to the change of rules, Sazka will generate more millionaires than to date.
22. Internal Communication
Heineken International
Enjoy Responsibly Day
HEINEKEN has a duty has an industry leader to encourage our millions of consumers to drink responsibly. Our employees are our greatest advocates. On 4 September 2014, we held a global event to engage, educate and involve them in our efforts to make responsible enjoyment the social norm inside and outside our business.
AkzoNobel: Count me in!
Aim: Introduce new values & behaviors to drive employee behavior & help realize company’s ambitions (cultural change aligned to strategy)
Highlights: Used storytelling as driving principles during whole Count me in! campaign. Included town hall meetings, animations/videos, workshops, new intranet portal & employee testimonial posters
Successes: Huge employee engagement & behavior changes measured
Return to Growth Week
Feedback:“Nothing short of inspirational”
Challenge:Build a deeper level of understanding & belief in the company strategy. How do we make our 51,000 people believe we’re on the right track?
Solution:A worldwide digital communications & engagement experience culminating in a 20-minute Hollywood-inspired, YouTube-style movie.
Result:One AZ's most ambitious, talked-about campaigns ever!
Carlsberg Breweries A/S
Carlsberg Group Corporate Affairs Conference 2014
WORKZ, Wittrock Film
The Annual Carlsberg Group Corporate Affairs (CGCA) Conference provided international colleagues the opportunity to review, apply, and present their use of the Carlsberg Group strategy, Corporate Affairs (CA) objectives and communications tools through enterprise social media, e-learning, and active work sessions centered on a business case with five exercises.
McDonald's Europe
Ourlounge - Creating Europe’s biggest employee recognition event
The Ray Kroc Award (RKA) celebrates the achievements of the top 1% of our Restaurant Managers.
We believe our European employee portal, ourlounge, to be the world’s largest employee online community, with 365,000 users (86% of our workforce) across 15 countries.
For the first time in 2014, we put ourlounge at the heart of bringing the RKA presentation event to a Europe-wide audience.
23. Crisis Communication
AB InBev
‘Festival beer’: a crisis as an opportunity to put an end to an urban legend
Whyte Corporate Affairs
Belgium’s leading beer brand was at stake when a journalist ‘proved’ an old ‘urban legend’ to be ‘true’: beer served at summer festivals contains less alcohol, to make the audience ‘drink more’. Through a ‘multiple stakeholder’ strategy, the false accusations were countered. The crisis was brought under control within 48 hours and was turned into an opportunity: putting an end to a false legend.
Atea: Trade union dispute
A strike by a minority of employees triggered a big sympathy strike and a national crisis. Norwegian IT company Atea stayed cool and calm, refuting the union’s arguments with the media and politicians. B-M’s excellent crisis management meant that when the dispute was brought before the National Wages Board, Atea won on all counts: the first time in Norwegian history this has happened.
ESB's Response to Storm Darwin 2014
ESB's Crisis Communications response to 'Storm Darwin'; the worst storm to hit Ireland in recorded history. Extensive damage to the electricity network left 280,000 of our customers (13% of all Irish electricity customers) without power.
ESB demonstrated to customers a high level of commitment and support throughout the emergency, while repair works were carried out to restore electricity supply.
TenneT TSO GmbH
Courage to talk on equal terms in a crisis: Community dialogue for SuedLink – Germany’s largest infrastructure project for the energy transition
navos - Public Dialogue Consultants GmbH
To succeed in its energy transition, Germany must expand its electricity grids. But once a project starts, interest groups, local politics & media protest.
The SuedLink DC line is a central project here. Fierce criticism arose just as TenneT published preliminary plans. TenneT responded quickly & effectively: with communal info-marts – direct dialog & participation along the transmission corridor.
Vodafone Germany
Pandora - How Vodafone overcame the biggest crisis it had ever faced
A hacker managed to steal the names and bank details of 2 million Vodafone customers. In a fully integrated crisis communications approach, we combined traditional PR tactics with the use of social media as proactive and reactive feedback channels for public dialogue and media relations. We managed to position our key messages in almost all media and were able to end the crisis within 2 days.
24. Launch
Bolton Austria GmbH
The Mystery Scent Oasis
Ketchum Publico
We helped launch Borotalco, a deodorant, with the perfect tease. We turned Stephansplatz, Vienna’s foulest-smelling underground station, into a mystery “scent stop”. 1.6m commuters caught a whiff. We timed our reveal with Europe’s biggest outdoor music fest 4 days later, when the station got high traffic. Our “Smell It, Love It!” campaign worked: Borotalco garnered 2% market share in 3 months.
Kuddle – a picture sharing app for kids
Burson-Marsteller AS
The photo-sharing app Kuddle was developed by three Norwegian entrepreneurs to tackle the negative consequences of children under 13 using social media without permission or parental control.
The launch created huge buzz in media and social media, positioning Kuddle as a ‘safe alternative to Instagram’. More so, it beat Facebook and Google in the chase to create a social platform for children.
Expense Control – Get to know your spending
The launch of Swedbank’s personal finance management (PFM) tool, fully integrated in our Mobile Bank. Expense Control organizes and categorizes the customers spending into categories and shows the customer how they spend their money in visual charts. The target was 100 000 customers during the launch period. Currently we are 400% above target, with over 500 000 customers activating the service.
Volvo Cars
The Stutterheim Puzzle
Jung Relations
To introduce its new concept car to a design-savvy target group, Volvo disqualified its official channels and let a small but credible fashion brand reveal the car. With a design collaboration and a quirky photo puzzle, media and consumers were invited to reveal the car. Volvo could just sit back, relax and watch their story go viral. More than 800 stories were posted, before Volvo said a word.
Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company
Smile Academy
AMI Communications
The client asked for an untraditional launch for the new Orbit Bubblemint chewing gum. The agency sparked a nationwide discussion which went beyond the campaign and which supported its focus.Within two months of the market launch, Bubblemint chewing gum ranked among the top three best-selling products in its category in the Czech Republic.
25. Relaunch
adidas Nordics
Stan Yourself
Jung Relations
By letting a new generation of tastemakers that have no connection to Stan Smith be part of the brand, we made Stan Smith the most sought after sneaker of the season while at the same time establishing a longstanding relationship with a new group of consumers. The shoe was sold out in ten days and was not only all over our audience's channels but also covered in 90% of our top tier media.
Re-launch of Morrisons own brand beers, wines and spirits
Focus PR
To launch Morrisons own brand BWS range, we created an innovative event styled by drinking occasion. A supermarket tasting like no other, attended by a record 53 top UK wine critics, it resulted in 1,000+ pieces of editorial on TV, in print, and online. As a result during Christmas 2013 Morrisons own brand sales accounted for almost 50% of all private label growth in the grocery sector.
Orkla Confectionery & Snacks Norge
Laban goes on holiday
Every summer Norwegians go on holiday, and every summer the sales of Laban jellyman fall. We got Norwegians to bring Laban on holiday, and document it, treating the jellyman as part of the family. Summer of 2014, more than 600 pictures were taken from all over the world, and shared with 600,000 Norwegians through Laban’s own channels. Sales increased by 11 % compared to last year.
Toyota Norway
Try My Hybrid - Toyota
Geelmuyden Kiese Norge, Saatchi & Saatchi Norway
We challenged existing Toyota Hybrid owners to offer a test drive of their car to friends, neighbours and others. Over 300 hybrid-owners registered on the website "prøvminhybrid.no", where they were linked to potential test-drivers through Facebook. The results: 150 000 unique visitors on ‘prøvminhybrid.no’ and 10 times more registrations for a test-drive compared to earlier campaigns.
Living with Lag
ANR BBDO, Stopp Family and Hard Hat
Ume.net offers the fastest internet in the world. To illustrate this we performed an experiment where we applied the symptoms of slow Internet to real life.
The vital part of the experiment was a custom built lag machine. We then let four people try living with lag.
The experiment was a huge success and resulted in 5.6 million views on Youtube and 78 million impressions all over the world.
26. Employer Branding and Recruiting
Robert Bosch GmbH
Bosch World Experience 2014
With the "Bosch World Experience 2014" we set out to convince young talents that Bosch is more than just a company for consumer parts. We sent six digital natives to visit six awe-inspiring Bosch projects, and had them feature their journeys on social media. The audience became part of the story by interacting with the participants online – just as they would with any of their digital peers.
A.G. Barr plc
Barr Behaviours
Emperor's challenge was to articulate the magic that makes A.G. BARR so successful; and to capture and communicate the flavour, culture and essence of A.G BARR. Barr Behaviours was launched in November 2013, so measurement is ongoing; however, initial feedback from the client and employees has been very positive and they have achieved awareness and understanding across the group.
Allianz SE
Allianz Mobile Recruiting
Due to Allianz Group's strategic goal to transform itself into a digital company, we decided to deliver a full extend job search & application tool for mobile devices. But: our way of applying via mobile does not require any resumes & documents. Personal data + 1 education & 1 work experience is enough. Success: > 250,000 mobile candidates, > 2,100 mobile applications.
Maersk Drilling
Moving boundaries within offshore drilling
To double the size of the company and find, attract, and recruit people we had to think of new ways to engage potential employees. Moving away from traditional communication, our social media strategy has rewarded us with a stronger employer brand and a larger pool of relevant potential employees. We have made several hires through social media and are, in addition, first movers in our industry.
Schneider Electric Industries SAS
Schneider Electric & the Solar Decathlon Competition - showing our culture, values and goals to potential and existing employees
Solar Decathlon is one of the largest global university competitions in the world, that challenges collegiate teams to design, build, and operate solar-powered homes that are cost-effective, energy efficient, and attractive. Each year, over 800+ students from 20 teams across the world compete to create the most energy efficient homes, showcased for the public during a two week competition.
27. Corporate Social Responsibility
Lietuvos draudimas
Zero Road Rage
Integrity PR
Lithuanian general non-life insurance market leader Lietuvos draudimas (LD) aimed to recharge its CSR activities on road traffic safety. Integrity PR developed a long-term flagship campaign Zero road rage – the first ever campaign in Lithuania on driver emotions. Already a half year later the campaign proved to be highly positive to both – driver behavior and LD’s public perception & preference.
Aviva Awkward Conversations
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Ltd
H+K Strategies developed the multi-channel Awkward Conversations campaign for Aviva and charity partner Railway Children to mark the final year of their partnership and inspire parents to help tackle the issue of children running away from home.
With an OTS of over 400m we inspired over 100,000 parents to engage in the campaign and delivered the 5th most watched Aviva YouTube video of all time.
Heineken International
Enjoy Responsibly Day
Responsible consumption is central to HEINEKEN’s sustainability strategy: ‘Brewing a better future’. We work with local partners to address alcohol abuse in our markets and advocate moderation through inspiring campaigns. On 4 September 2014, a global event engaged, educated and involved employees in our efforts to make responsible enjoyment the social norm inside and outside our business.
Samsung Electronics Poland
The Coding Masters
Havas PR Warsaw, Havas PR Warsaw
Adapting to life in the future, should start with a lesson of coding. For todays digital natives, who intuitively move the screen on smartphone, technology is a natural environment in which thy are growing up. Digital skills are needed, such as the ability to read and write. While teaching programming, Coding Masters, provide the tools to achieve success. We reach over 200 scholls in Poland.
Tesco Polska
Tesco for Schools - "Talent not to waste"
Garden of Words
An educational program helped children learn about food waste problem through play, mobilizing their families and communities to educate and change attitudes. The biggest lesson on reducing food waste in Poland had over 6000 schoolchildren educating over 250000 people and contributed to documented improvement of food management by children in participating schools.
28. Event
Play in the Shade
Melanoma has doubled in Sweden over the last 10 years, in doubt of numerous information campaigns. To stop this, Cancerfonden created the world’s first Shadow Soccer Court – a shaded soccer court to be placed in any park. The lines are created by sunlight, making it visible only when the sunlight is harmful. With a budget of €50,000, it generated 100+ articles amounting to a PR value of €1,2M.
Comedy Central
MSLGROUP Stockholm
The launch of Comedy Central's new 24/7 local broadcasting was based on a 24 hour marathon using the new way of watching traditional TV, a webcast and the power and freedom of social media. A launch relying on the viewers and their dedication to funny and relevant content. A launch resulting in an 118 % increase in viewer ratings while the visits to the website increased by over 500 %.
HistoryTV RO
Your viking side!
We turned Bucharest in a world of Vikings, for a memorable series launch! From fans to journalists, bloggers and opinion leaders, all of them wanted to be a part of our campaign and become Vikings! Therefore, the show exceeded the boarders of HISTORY and conquered a new territory: Romania.
Svenska Spel
Sweden's biggest shootout
Jung Relations
To make sure that Sweden never suffers a shootout loss in the future, the main sponsor of Swedish ice hockey, Svenska Spel, did something that’s never been done before by creating the first ever national youth shootout championship. The campaign generated over 100 articles in top tier print, online, TV, and radio, and the publicity targets were surpassed by 500 %.
Türk Telekomünikasyon A.Ş.
WanTTed is a talent program carried out in Turkey’s finest universities with the aim of promoting young talents who wish to forge a career in the IT industry. Young talented individuals, selected from among thousands of applicants, took the first steps of their career in Istanbul and Ankara, in positions that meet their qualifications and satisfy their career goals.
29. Public Affairs
The Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation
Against all Odds
After the highly publicised and blunt rejection of a proposed Guggenheim museum in Helsinki, the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation wanted to launch a new attempt. Miltton was chosen to create an integrated public affairs, PR and development campaign for the revised museum proposal. As a result, the Helsinki City Board showed a green light for the architectural competition on the proposed museum.
Alti: Marketing an acquisition to fire up our brand in France
Tata Consultancy Services
In 2013 TCS acquired Alti, a French IT services provider. At that time the French government had shown a quite hostile stance to foreign investors. The team implemented a four-tier integrated programme comprising: public affairs; media relations; customer and internal communications. The acquisition became a shining example of best practice, winning a public endorsement from the French government.
Association of Colleges
No Free Lunch?
Disadvantaged 16 to 18-year-olds studying at schools are entitled to free meals at lunchtime, while their counterparts who study at a further education college are not. Between March 2012 and September 2013, the Association of Colleges ran a successful No Free Lunch? campaign, which led to a change of Government policy and extended the provision of free meals.
Retire alive
Zeeland Plc
The general idea was to maintain the current lowest retiring age for construction workers in Finland, and to keep unchanged the unemployment pathway to retirement.
UNRWA assembled a global coalition of organizations to support #LetUsThrough, a Thunderclap campaign calling for humanitarian access to refugee communities under siege in Syria. Reaching its targets, the campaign was beamed on New York’s Time Square and Tokyo’s Shubiyah crossing gaining widespread media profile. Most importantly, humanitarian access to Yarmouk camp in Damascus has improved.
30. Issues & Reputation Management
Cash is filthy. The average European banknote contains 26,000 colonies of bacteria.
MasterCard thought it was time to make a clean break from a nasty 5,000-year habit, so we launched Dirty Cash, telling consumers and merchants that bills/coins are as impure as toilet seats, and – hello! – contactless payment is the king of clean. We raised MC’s share of voice as thought leader by 33.6%.
English Rugby Football Union
Rugby Football Union - Amplifying Women’s Rugby
Weber Shandwick
In the run up to the 2014 Women’s Rugby World Cup in France, the English Rugby Football Union wanted to challenge perceptions about women’s rugby and encourage more women to try the game. Celebrities, the Prime Minister and even Prince Harry got behind the content-rich social and digital campaign, leading to huge levels of engagement, awareness and support for the team as they won the tournament.
Microsoft 4Afrika
Waggener Edstrom Communications
Microsoft and Google have been locked in battle to establish technological leadership in Africa. This programme began with Microsoft in second place but finished with the brand back in the top spot, and saw the brand’s reputation soar, across the continent as proved by an independent research from Africapractice.
Scandinavian Airlines
No Hard Feelings
The well known professor Victor Norman was quoted in headlines in the business newspaper Dagens Næringsliv with "I fly with SAS almost every day just to see how bad that company is". The day after he excused, and through fast PR and marketing work through ads, editorial articles and social media, SAS got a huge success by replying with "No hard feelings" and turned the whole case into a good story
TECHNOSEUM State Museum of Technology in Mannheim
The Goethe Guerrilla Campaign
Schleiner + Partner Kommunikation GmbH
27 million media contacts – generated by the guerrilla action of one night. Young activists placard posters in an October night in 2013 in all Goethe streets in the southern state of Germany. On the posters were shown Goethe mapped with a notebook and the question "Would Goethe wrote in this way Faust III?" The objective of this campaign is to pay attention to the dramatic shortage of technicians.
31. Evaluation
The eBay intervention - measuring the personality of the business
Following concern from colleagues about negative changes in eBay culture at a critical time in the run up to the announcement of a global brand campaign, we set out to identify and quantify our culture, and define solutions to the issues raised. In doing this, the team ripped-up the traditional ways of measuring employee perceptions and delivered a brand new way of evaluating company culture.
ABB Content Health Panel
Namics AG
ABB Content Health Panel is a tool developed to provide our web editors with an instant view of the effectiveness of their pages online. Interpreting and combining around a hundred data points in Google Analytics, the tool aims at making web analytics accessible, educational, engaging and fun for our users.
Deutsche Telekom AG
Social Media Center and the A-Team: Going an extra mile to serve our customers
The ability to offer excellent customer service is an important means of differentiation in the communication market today. Customers make more and more use of Internet forums to discuss their questions, with the demand for a solution. Identifying and reacting to these problems interactively is a new route to a customer-focused service.
Deutsche Telekom has successfully implemented this approach.
Telecom Italia SpA
Word of mouth in brand experience
The objective of the project is to provide a model for predicting the impact of communication and word of mouth on brand metrics (perception and awareness) and on sales through scenario simulations. This project has allowed us to better understand what drivers stimulate Word-of-Mouth about our brands and how can we positively increment them.
World Energy Council
World Energy Council Media Evaluation – from insights to action
Commetric Ltd
The World Energy Council commissioned a media evaluation study to understand its media footprint and key coverage drivers, analyse media sentiment, and learn whether its messages penetrated the media.
The insights, which pinpointed successes and areas of improvement, allowed WEC to reprioritise its PR activities, optimise resources and provided support for its overall organisational strategy.
32. Annual Report
Otto (GmbH & Co KG)
Otto Group Annual Report: The Way Ahead
Strichpunkt Agentur für visuelle Kommunikation GmbH
The Otto Group Annual Report 2013/14 follows the motto ‘The Way Ahead’ and focuses on the topics Innovation and Mobility, as the Group is in many senses moving towards its customers. Travel-diary and note-style entries introduce readers to individuals driving innovations, relevant markets and provide a look behind the scenes. The print version is flanked by a corporate blog and a Twitter channel.
BG Group
BG Group Online Annual Report
Addison Group
BG Group wanted to create an online Annual Report that delivered the most relevant, compelling information to their audiences within the short period of typical investor dwell time. The report needed to have clear links to allow users to dig deeper into report content, as well as encourage them to explore the corporate site to understand the broader BG Group narrative.
European Power Exchange EPEX SPOT SE
EPEX SPOT Annual Report 2013: Strengthening Europe's power market
The Annual Report of the European Power Exchange is a perfect example of breaking down a complex and technical topic into an attractive, magazine-like brochure. It is fun to read and surprises with both substantial contributions and accessible presentation.
Heraeus Holding GmbH
Heraeus Annual Report 2013
ergo Unternehmenskommunikation GmbH & Co. KG
Heraeus products are at the beginning of the value chain, but play a vital role in everyday life. The Annual Report illustrates the entire value chain, showing the benefits of Heraeus technologies for the end customers and the environment. Further, the magazine emphasizes how Heraeus takes opportunities in each key economic region and maintains entrepreneurial leadership in its business segments.
Landsvirkjun Annual Report
Jónsson&Le’macks, Skapalón
Landsvirkjun is the National Power Company of Iceland. For the year 2013 both the Annual Report and the Environmental Report were designed for digital distribution which creates new possibilities for the presentation of vital information about the Company’s operation. The results are a wider audience which spent considerable amount of time browsing the web.
Terna Digital Annual Report 2013
http://www.terna-reports.it/en: Terna is the first independent electricity transmission grid operator in Europe and sixth in the world for km of electricity lines managed. The Terna Digital Annual Report is designed to target a wider group of stakeholders, simplifying a content usually dedicated to experienced users, using specific web designed paradigms like videos, cartoons, infographic,.
33. CSR Report
OMV Petrom S.A.
The power of stories
Our CSR platform empowers Romanians to become community change agents. However, alarming rates of pessimism and civic passivity makes engagement hard to achieve and good stories hard to sell. This is why we transformed our CSR Report in an attitude changing & inspiration tool. Our aim: raise national optimism level. Our results: In 2 weeks only we made Romanians 19% more optimistic!
BMW Group
BMW Group Sustainable Value Report 2013
BSD Consulting, Strichpunkt Design
Sustainability is a key component of the BMW Group’s long-term corporate strategy. We have published our Sustainable Value Report annually since 2001. To save resources such as water and paper and reduce waste and emissions, the SVR 2013 was published solely as an interactive PDF. This resulted in the following savings: 205,000 liter of water, 10.5 tons of paper and 14 tons of CO2.
HypoVereinsbank Member of UniCredit
Nachhaltigkeitsbericht 2013/14 der HypoVereinsbank
akzente kommunikation und beratung gmbh, fair society - Wirtschaft im Einklang mit Gesellschaft und Umwelt
For many years, HypoVereinsbank (HVB) has been providing information about its environmental & social activities in two sustainability publications: a magazine-style account – published also as an ePaper for the first time – & an indicator-based report. The publications are tailored to specific target groups & meet the diverse needs of customers, colleagues, the public & a professional readership.
Royal Mail Group
2013-14 CR Report
Our Corporate Responsibility (CR) strategy is an integral part of realising our core business strategy. Our CR Report describes the contribution of non-financial performance indicators to the successful delivery of our business strategy. The report itself is a key driver in our success: our 2013-14 report helped us establish a top ranking in the global Dow Jones Sustainability Indices.
WIND Hellas S.A.
WIND Hellas CSR Report 2013 : Creating a "Destination Site"
Wind Hellas launched a “CSR Destination Site” for its stakeholders, creating a users-friendly, interactive and with catchy lay-out digital report, the first in the Greek market,replacing the printed 140-pages document. Reaching 5.000 recipients, using a humorous message received very positive feedback. WIND Hellas has designed and implemented a challenging campaign.
34. Company Brochure
Arts University Bournemouth
House of Cards Prospectus
In a digital age, brochures are becoming anachronistic – information being served more efficiently online. AUB re-invented the traditional information heavy prospectus as an inspirational brand piece designed to start conversations and be shared online – marketing for cynical but creatively driven 16 year olds. This has led to 35% growth for Open Days and +17% yr on yr rise in applications.
DLL - Company Review
Proof Reputation
Each year De Lage Landen (DLL) publishes a Company Review, including facts and figures from the previous year but also - or especially - highlighting the strengths of DLL. With the launch of DLL’s new brand identity in 2014, it was time to give this Review a new 'look and feel', completely in line with the company's new style and its promise to stakeholders: 'See what counts'.
How Quadia captured a community…and celebrated ten years success in the industry
Quadia was one the first specialists online video business in the Netherlands. To celebrate its tenth anniversary, LEWIS created a unique campaign. Harnessing the power of the online community, LEWIS launched a ten year retrospective. Together with more than 1,700 fans and creators it selected the ten most defining moments in video history. The campaign reached 34,000 marketing professionals.
Salym Petroleum
SPD Corporate Brochure 2014
To demonstrate achievements and innovative spirit of the company to stakeholders a corporate brochure was totally updated focusing on 4 key aspects: democratic corporate culture, breakthrough technologies, industrial and personal safety, and social responsibility. It made a clear & positive picture of the company for the people making acquaintance with the company.
Union Asset Management Holding AG
Gemeinschaft ist alles
In 2014, the new company profile from Union Investment was published under the title “Community is everything.” Every section in the profile represents an area of Union Investment, meaning that the reader gradually gains a deeper insight as they turn each page. Supplemented by figures and links, it is well integrated into the company’s digital media and provides access to the latest information.
35. Employee Publication
Vattenfall AB
Vattenfall Magazine
muehlhausmoers corporate communications gmbh
Vattenfall Magazine is published four times a year in five languages and provides stakeholders of the energy company with information on the Vattenfall universe – ranging from new technologies and business strategies to social initiatives and projects. Over 40 pages, the magazine combines reports, background stories and employee portraits. Published in German, English,Swedish, Dutch and Danish.
Astellas Pharma EMEA
Astellas - Stellar magazine
Sequel Group
With a 90% readership rate, Stellar magazine is the flagship printed publication for European pharmaceutical company, Astellas Pharma EMEA. Produced quarterly, Stellar informs and creates a sense of pride and belonging for more than 4,500 European staff, working alongside a new integrated news site, Stellar Online.
Royal Mail
Courier for Royal Mail by AB
Courier is the monthly publication for all 150,000 Royal Mail employees. In the run-up to the company's privatisation in October 2013 - the biggest change in Royal Mail's 500-year history - Courier played a vital role in explaining what privatisation would mean for employees and why it was necessary, but without losing the important everyday news, people and community content that readers
Saab AB
Spirit - a defence and security magazine from Saab
Appelberg Publishing Group
Saab wanted to create a new employee magazine, primarily to increase pride and knowledge among employees. The project sought to relaunch Saab’s employee magazine Spirit and create a modern, more interesting publication and one which could also be of interest to external audiences. The result is a magazine focusing on strengthen Saab's brand by telling the important stories about the company.
Vip team
Media Val
After several years of publishing the print edition of its internal magazine Vip team, Vipnet has moved the whole project online. For the last year this magazine is published exclusively online, bringing uniqueness and innovation in visual and textual sense to some 1100 Vipnet employees. Full digitization is generating savings and is eco-friendly, but also enables interaction.
36. External Publication
Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV)
Magazine In Vivo
It is IN VIVO’s ambition to offer an insight into the extraordinary richness of Lake Geneva’s “Health Valley”, where the Lausanne University Hospital plays a prominent role, but also to bring to the attention of a lay audience the advances made by the world-leading universities and research institutions with which our hospital works.
Carlson Wagonlit Travel
CWT Connect UK & Ireland - a flagship client magazine for business travel
It’s important for travel management company Carlson Wagonlit Travel (CWT) to keep in touch with its national, multi-national and global clients and prospective clients regularly.
The marcomms team have produced an external company magazine, Connect, for 10 years, but 2014 has saw a huge step change in its design, distribution and calibre with a new high quality print and ipad edition.
Delivered. is DHL’s global customer magazine, providing a range of articles on logistics and business matters. Interviews with global business leaders and personalities like Dame Ellen MacArthur, Sir Richard Branson, Jeremy Rifkin and Elon Musk and essays from respected experts provide interesting thought leadership and insight for readers, while DHL experts discuss logistics solutions.
After winning a pitch for the development of an email newsletter for banking and insurance expert Nationale-Nederlanden (NN), Edelman challenged NN to think bigger, more creatively and more effectively. We convinced NN to create an online magazine instead with a playful design and eye-catching navigation. Open and click-through rates and time spent on the site were proof of its success.
The Dow Chemical Company
IN2: A Perspective on Global Packaging by Dow (“IN”)
FTI Consulting
Dow challenged FTI Consulting to create a second edition of IN that not only surpassed the previous edition in editorial design & content, but was supported by a sophisticated promotional campaign & interactive digital version while continuing to successfully position the company as an industry thought leader across the packaging value chain.
37. Corporate Advertising
TINE - "This is where we come from"
Many people know the TINE logo and their dairy products, but not everyone knows what we stand for as a company and who the milk the farmer is. TINE created an incredible "emotional dooropener" to get the message across, and this advertising became the most efficient in terms of motivation and liking ever tested in Norway.
We ran our first advertising campaign in London Underground stations last autumn, to start a new chapter as a company and showcase our innovative approach to some of the world’s most pressing concerns. The campaign succeeded in building pride within our workforce, and the strength of the creative concept has enabled us to continue delivering distinctive advertising through 2014.
EPFL Alumni
Generative Identity for EPFL Alumni by Enigma
The EPFL Alumni Association wanted a new strategic plan to ensure its growth and long-term existence. We created an identity that reflects the unique character of the association and its members. The generative design helps to personalize the new EPFL-Alumni logo for each member and all media. Each graduate received a personal logo that was both unique and recognizable as part of the community.
If you have some doubts, you'd better stop
Duval Guillaume
Above the line campaign on safe internet banking, making people aware of the danger of the internet fraud type ‘phishing’. The campaign consists of 2 parts: there’s a TV spot for the Belgian television and bannering in the branches of the Belgian banks. On TV the spot was seen by 50% of the Belgian population. 25 banks collaborated: a coverage rate of 80% of the Belgian public.
Kuka Robotics
KUKA – THE DUEL B2B Campaign
Sassenbach Advertising
For the Grand Opening of the very first KUKA production plant
in China, we created a B2B campaign including an impressive duel between the German
table tennislegend and brand ambassador Timo Boll and a
KUKA robot.
38. Corporate Film and Video
Kuka Robotics
The Duel: Timo Boll vs. KUKA Robot
Sassenbach Advertising
For the Grand Opening of the very first KUKA production plant
in China, we created an impressive duel between the German
table tennislegend and brand ambassador Timo Bolland a
KUKA robot. The different video clips generated more than 5
million clicks and were heavily discussed in forums, blogs and
the media.
BASF Corporate Global Image Campaign Water Film
M&C Saatchi Berlin
BASF creates chemistry, but that doesn’t just mean in the laboratory. This film shows how BASF creates chemistry between people; the most powerful form of chemistry. Viewed over 120,000 times on the website alone, BASF successfully brought to life the notion of the flow of information and skills between people working towards a sustainable future.
European Parliament
Humanifesto film
Ogilvy Brussels
With the humanifesto film, we managed to develop a film that brought the European Parliament closer to people and set the tone for a citizen-centric 2014 elections campaign. The Humanifesto film was a conversation starter and generated debate around issues that the European Parliament takes care of. It contributed to raise awareness about the European Parliament and its interaction with people.
Robert Bosch GmbH
Bosch - The Sound of the Game
Ketchum Pleon GmbH
The video shows how Mario Tito, stadium announcer at Itaipava Arena Fonte Nova in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil, creates euphoria among fans in the stands with the help of Bosch technology. The video has sustainably boosted the number of visits to the corporate website, the websites of the regional subsidiaries and divisions, as well as on social media platforms.
Wiethe Group GmbH
What makes a perfect e-shop?
Wiethe Objektiv GmbH & Co. KG
Wiethe Group has an unbeatable advantage when it comes to eShops: it offers everything from a single source. This 360° service is presented in an image film directed at decision-makers in the international fashion/lifestyle industry. This way, it takes only a matter of minutes to recognise what lies behind the slogan “The E-Fashion Company”. The film has already scooped several awards.
39. Intranet
EDP - Energias de Portugal, S.A
edpON intranet
An act of correspondence and identification: this is how communication is understood in a Group in 13 different countries. intranet is the first step towards a common culture. All employees share the same intranet but customization tools allow it to adapt to each user. Interaction has a powerful presence and anyone can create and share content, using groups, blogs, image galleries or forums.
ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd
Inside+, a new intranet for ABB
Inside+, the new ABB Intranet experience for 150.000
employees worldwide is harnessing the passion, experience
and the expertise of all people working for ABB. It captures
the knowledge, enables sharing, fosters dynamic teamwork
across divisions, business, functions and countries and also
helps to drive innovation, productivity and agility within the
McDonald's Europe
Ourlounge - Creating Europe’s biggest employee recognition event
The Ray Kroc Award (RKA) celebrates the achievements of the top 1% of our Restaurant Managers.
We believe our European employee portal, ourlounge, to be the world’s largest employee online community, with 365,000 users (86% of our workforce) across 15 countries.
For the first time in 2014, we put ourlounge at the heart of bringing the RKA presentation event to a Europe-wide audience.
Orange "Welcome" worldwide intranet
Orange launched in April 2014 a intranet in 160 countries, all countries with local teams, bringing a new digital experience to 166 000 employees thanks to:
1/ a split between Group news (English/French) and country news (local language) automatically selected with the employee ID.
2/ access to external and internal social media (Plazza, 40 000 employees)
3/ access to a library of 100 online tools
Union Investment
Relaunch Intranet Union Investment
The project focused on reconstruction of the Intranet content-wise and technical-wise . As part of a benchmark study, the requirements for the platform were categorized and prioritized. Through new technical possibilities the topics of information-personalization and -quality, transparency, usability and collaboration should be more firmly anchored in the company.
40. Blog
Maersk Oil
Freedom with responsibility
Our internal blog corner has penetrated the organisation with its high level of transparency and authenticity. Employees at all levels are engaged in the commentary and each new blog is eagerly anticipated. The talk in the corridors is now online and people are empowered to contribute. The CEO stated that any employee feeling that his manager objects to his commentary should let him know.
Europe Decides
The public affairs team at Burson-Marsteller Brussels created Europe Decides to position B-M as a thought leader on European politics during the European Elections. The campaign gathered thousands of influential followers and the Europe Decides website has become a key reference point for the complex process of change in 2014, with more than 150,000 users and 900,000 page views.
NATS blog: Making the invisible, visible
NATS is the UK’s leading provider of air traffic services, guiding 2 million flights through UK skies every year. Yet to most people, air traffic management is a mystery, while fewer still have heard of NATS and we wanted to change that.
The NATS blog demonstrates the incredible expertise of our people and the value of our work to a UK and international audience. It makes the invisible, visible.
Razorfish Healthware, a division of P.H.C.G. srl
Razorfish Healthware Our Ideas
At Razorfish Healthware we use our profound understanding of humanity and technology to help our clients transform their businesses. Our blog, named Our Ideas, is a prime channel for cultivating the thought leadership positioning and the content marketing strategy.
Foodbrigade - The inspiration platform for chefs and bar/restaurant owners
LVB Networks
The idea: to help and inspire chefs and restaurant owners to get better at their job.
The result: 50% reach in the heart of the target group, page one Google positions and free publicity throughout the media landscape
41. Website
F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG
Corporate website
Virtual Identity AG
Before the refresh Roche.com was a classical corporate website for announcements – one-way communication with lots of text and less captivating content. After the refresh users found a responsive website, with consolidated content, modern design, refreshing storytelling, much better user guidance and appropriately approached target groups.
BG Group
BG Group Corporate Website
Addison Group
The traditional corporate website is no longer fit for purpose. BG Group needed a new, content-led approach to digital communication to better communicate with its global audience. Visitors to the site experience the energy and dynamism of BG Group at its best - through an agile platform that demonstrates how their experts are working to meet the needs of countries, economies and societies.
Irish Stock Exchange
Irish Stock Exchange
The Irish Stock Exchange’s website, www.ise.ie, was launched in September 2014. The key objective was to simplify our website making the complex business of exchanges easy to understand for our varied, global customer base.
The mobile and tablet friendly site is designed around our customers' needs and online habits and reflects the diverse and international nature of our business.
Renault Group Corporate Website
Tequilarapido, Tequilarapido
After 8 years of collaboration and 50 projects delivered, Renault has once again relied upon tequilarapido’s expertise to redesign its corporate website. Going beyond our client need of a strong and modern group identity, we offered Renault an ambitious website based on three core values: to seduce, to interest and to engage.
Westminster City Council
Westminster City Council Website
Our website is a crucial channel for residents and businesses to access information. In 2013, it had 20000 daily views but much of the content was obsolete or duplicated, causing unnecessary customer calls. We created a new site with interactive content in 4 months. We’ve already achieved our ambitious target to shift 25% of contacts from phone to online by April 2015 and provide savings of £2m.
42. Microsite
The Pension Tax Calculator
JKL created a digital tool – the Pension Tax Calculator (PTC) - to help Sweden’s second largest pensioners’ association – SPF –to use the public debate during this election year to engage with their existing and future members, raise awareness amongst politicians and media, and draw attention to an important issue for Sweden’s seniors, the pension tax.
Master Your Reputation - Don't let the Net disrespect you
Altran is aware that personal and professional online reputations of its employees are closely linked. Therefore, we have to educate our Innovation Makers (Altran employees). So we developed an online campaign to draw their attention on what they can do and what they can’t. We don’t want them to end up like the lolcats, the laughingstock of the internet.
Croplife International
IP52 helps audiences understand how intellectual property enables innovators to turn an idea, from a better cup of coffee to more sustainable food, into a technology that can revolutionize our world. IP52 resources have been viewed nearly 20,500 times, with 50% of views from our target regions, helped build partnerships with like-minded industries and improved outreach to policymakers worldwide.
Prime Public Relations i Sverige AB
When Folkoperan was debuting the St Matthew Passion they needed to reach a younger audience. So we took the theme of the play and set it in a modern context and created Unshared, a social hub for sharing secrets in 140 characters. Media reach was 5,8 million and number of sold seats increased by 53%.
Swedish Association of Independent Schools
My New Job
To make opponents of free school choice aware of the absurdity of their position, we abolished the right of free job choice. In the “My New Job” campaign we turned the tables on school choice opponents to drive home the irrationality of their proposed school placement system. Through a microsite (WordPress) pushed via Facebook and Twitter, we found new jobs for users based on the “closest to home.
43. Social Media
Volvo Cars
The Stutterheim Puzzle
Jung Relations
To introduce its new concept car to a design-savvy target group, Volvo disqualified its official channels and let a small but credible fashion brand reveal the car. With a design collaboration and a quirky photo puzzle, media and consumers were invited to reveal the car. Volvo could just sit back, relax and watch their story go viral. More than 800 stories were posted, before Volvo said a word.
European Youth Forum / League of Young Voters
Alliance for Responsible Democracy
FleishmanHillard, FleishmanHillard
The Alliance for Responsible Democracy campaign aimed to improve democracy in Europe by vigorously advocating for the need to raise the voting age to 25...
...or so young people thought.
The aim was to provoke young people to stand up for their right to vote and amplify the voice of active youth. By the end of the campaign, over 6 million Europeans were reached through social media.
Sky Deutschland AG
Unique in Europe – The Sky Sport News HD Twitter reporter network
Timed to coincide with the start of the 24-hour sport news channel Sky Sport News HD on 01 December 2011, a social media strategy was developed across a diverse range of social media channels. This included the Twitter reporter network. Each of the 21 German and 5 Austrian reporters received a Twitter account to be used for news, background reports and photos.
Telekom Deutschland GmbH
Digital for real – Telekom Live-Studio @ Videodays 2014
webguerillas GmbH
In 2014 television is becoming less important to younger target groups. YouTubers have millions of fans. So it’s all the more important for Deutsche Telekom to convey its ‘web of the future’ message as a partner of the Videodays 2014. We achieved over 3,000,000 views on YouTube, a reach of 2,200,000 and over 200,000 interactions on Twitter, and a 75% increase in followers on Instagram.
Young's Seafood
Young's, #bemysolemate
Weber Shandwick
How do you prove to a brand that social media is a cost-effective, creative comms channel, on a limited budget? We were challenged by Young’s Seafood to create a social media campaign that would engage people, brands and the mass media. Our response was to create a real-time content marketing programme on Valentine’s Day, when we got flirty with other British FMCG brands on Twitter.
44. Mobile Communication and Social Apps
The First Navigation and supportive tools for Blind patients
Ar Works, Giovanni
Differentiating colors, knowing the currencies in front of the cashier, reading, knowing directions and many of our daily interactions are taken for granted. Those interactions are very hard for visually impaired individuals and even impossible in some cases.
ViaOpta Apps were created to help all types of visually impaired individuals in their day to day interactions.
Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH
ePatCare ILD
infill Kommunikation GmbH
ePatCare® ILD from Boehringer Ingelheim is an innovative patient case presentation tool to exchange knowledge on interstitial lung disease, a low-budget orphan disease. Capturing the dynamics of technology, you can virtually walk through clinical departments, zoom into details, answer interactive questions and share data in the Cloud! Freely available and specifically developed for mobile devices.
De Waddenfederatie (Partnership VVV & the “Wadden”-islands)
WadsApp, iOS & Android app for "De Waddenfederatie" by MOBGEN
To attract more tourists to the two most popular tourist destinations in The Netherlands and to optimally service, inspire and inform them, MOBGEN created two successful mobile applications. Because of the relevant up-to-date content (via an CMS managed by the client) and the great UI/UX design, Wadsapp Terschelling received an average rating of 5 stars and Texel got 4.5 in the Apple App Store.
Du Pont de Nemours International Sarl
DuPont EMEA News App
DuPont EMEA developed a Mobile News Application to strengthen their online presence by sharing in-depth reading and understanding about the company’s purpose, core values, businesses, products and solutions, people, and global and regional trends. This fits within their strategy to develop new ways of communicating the DuPont message simultaneously to external and internal audiences.
Robert Bosch GmbH Branch in Italy
Ride the Way is a digital project dedicated to bikers and travels in the saddle.
It has been a successful project because it created for the first time a community dedicated to the world of two wheels.
The project has been developed step by step by the Q&A with the users, and thank to the digital ecosystem (mobile app, web and social media) they can always be connected with their passion.
45. Online Video Channel
HSBC Holdings
HSBC NOW - Our Stories
Take HSBC’s internal video channel, HSBC NOW, onto external platforms.
HSBC NOW launched in 2012 as an internal web-based TV channel, translated into 7 languages. HSBC NOW gives employees around the world a voice to tell their own stories. Employees wanted to watch & share content outside the office. In November 2013, we launched HSBC NOW on external platforms through YouTube, twitter & LinkedIn.
ING - TimeOrange
Flickering Wall
ING Global Internal Communications is responsible for 55,000 employees in 40 different countries. While each country and BU has its own communications staff, ING Global Internal Communications is responsible for global messaging, alignment and engagement.
Jyske Bank c/o Støvring Woodward
An Online TV Channel with its very own bank!
Jyske Bank has transformed our communications department into an Online TV Station that produces content daily from our Headquarters studio, from Copenhagen, at NASDAQ in New York & from other global sites. Our content lives on the web, including our new 24/7-channel Jyske Bank TV LIVE! sending financial news, in-depth documentaries & interviews to thousands of Danish screens all day, every day.
Unilever - All Things Hair
Weber Shandwick
Unilever brought its haircare brands together for the first time to create All Things Hair – a content-based channel of video styling tips from leading vloggers that used Big Data analysis of search terms and trend prediction to ensure it was what women wanted. The gamble paid off: Unilever now owns haircare on YouTube, with over 160,000 subscribers and over 16 million channel views since launch.
whatchado - People.Stories.Careers
WHATCHADO is a combination of storytelling handbook and standardized format of short films on real-life job descriptions that we developed and refined in the past years in Vienna, Austria. It was initiated and founded by former class fellows and longtime friends who loved to probe people on their lives and backgrounds. We use fascinating job stories and a dating concept to empower young people.
46. United Kingdom, Ireland
English Rugby Football Union
Rugby Football Union - Amplifying Women’s Rugby
Weber Shandwick
In the run up to the 2014 Women’s Rugby World Cup in France, the English Rugby Football Union wanted to challenge perceptions about women’s rugby and encourage more women to try the game. Celebrities, the Prime Minister and even Prince Harry got behind the content-rich social and digital campaign, leading to huge levels of engagement, awareness and support for the team as they won the tournament.
Hendrick's Gin
Hendrick's Carnival of Knowledge
Steely Fox, W
The Hendrick's Carnival of Knowledge [HGCK] is a fully-fledged festival of erudition and enlightenment that, in 2013, comprised 80 separate events, staged in a fully ticketed, immersive "world". HGCK was central to delivering 26% YoY volume growth and doubling the number of Hendrick's Gin loyalists in the UK, at a time when the gin category has many new entrants. HGCK has continued throughout 2014
Keep Britain Tidy
Keep Britain Tidy, Reviving a British Icon
Weber Shandwick
Litter, vandalism and neglect indicate a community in decline; the work of charity Keep Britain Tidy is vital and was under threat.
Our insight was that litter is symptomatic of bigger societal issues and something everyone should take a stand on.
We delivered a solid business and social case for ‘keeping Britain tidy’, with commercial results: over £1m corporate income in Y1.
Manifest London
Equity for Punks III
BrewDog needed capital to sustain its meteoric growth so turned to crowdfunding, attracting 8,000 new ‘fanvestors’. Our strategy focused on taking the campaign ‘beyond beer,’ communicating the challenges of obtaining traditional financing and demonstrating BrewDog is a fast-growing business and an attractive investment opportunity. Equity for Punks III raised £4.25m (€5.33) in crowdfunded equity
Max Factor
Ketchum's London office was tasked with an awareness campaign for the U.K. launch of Max Factor’s latest mascara and look of the season, Excess Volume. We knew our target audience. She increasingly looks to social media and fashion trendsetters for recommendations. We also knew our fashion trendsetters, the utterly fabulous and highly selective U.K. influencers who fiercely guard their reputation.
47. France
Badoit Express
Agence ELAN and Ubi Bene
In the highly competitive sparkling water sector, Badoit wanted to reinforce its position as the sparkling water to accompany gourmet meals. Badoit, with support from ELAN and Ubi Bene, presented Badoit Express: a surprise event during France’s Fête de la Gastronomie that created a stir on Paris’s famous Rue de Rivoli and turned it into the first ever gourmet traffic jam!
Don't Turn Your back on it
“Don’t turn your back on it” is a European campaign to educate the general public about chronic back pain and offer up tools to help patients to identify the origin of their pain. France is one of the pilot countries in this global initiative with a dedicated board of French experts and patients who took part in the roll out.
Alti: Marketing an acquisition to fire up our brand in France
Tata Consultancy Services
In 2013 TCS acquired Alti, a French IT services provider. At that time the French government had shown a quite hostile stance to foreign investors. The team implemented a four-tier integrated programme comprising: public affairs; media relations; customer and internal communications. The acquisition became a shining example of best practice, winning a public endorsement from the French government.
La Française de Jeux (FDJ)
La Française des Jeux - Enjeux de Société
Agence ELAN and Happy Company
Gambling. Addiction. Risk. With increasingly negative associations linked to gaming, La Française de Jeux (FDJ), the national French lottery, faced a public opinion issue. Working with ELAN, FDJ opened the debate about the social utility of games, chance and risk in our lives by assembling multidisciplinary expert voices and having a dialogue around these very issues.
Flight of the Phoenix - Yahoo’s relaunch in the skies over Paris
Against a backdrop of social media and faster moving competition, Yahoo was struggling to attract the youth market. The focus became positioning products to appeal to a connected and mobile audience. The LEWIS team was asked to develop a relaunch campaign with key French media and influencers. This culminated in the ultimate product launch in the skies over Paris.
48. Spain
Office Crossing: How collaboration leads to truly amazing experiences
Office Crossing was a four-phased project promoting cloud-enabled collaboration, empowering communities to effect positive change through technology.
It started with tablets scattered in Madrid, encouraging people to write a story in the cloud. Next, villagers of Luarca created a tourist guide & collaborative educational project. The last phase produced a guide for entrepreneurs by entrepreneurs.
1st Beko Solidary Cooking Marathon
Marco de Comunicación
Beko Home Appliances has been hindered by its low-cost positioning and is looking to become key player in the market. MdC designed the 1st Beko Solidary Cooking Marathon to position the brand as accessible and socially responsible in the general public’s eyes. In addition showcasing Beko’s quality products, the campaign illustrated Beko’s commitment to the community.
Score a goal for your sexual health
Cícero Comunicación, Cícero Comunicación
Disease awareness campaign focused on getting men to the specialist in order to take care of their sexual and urological health. The campaign consisted on a penalty shoot (a famous Spanish goalkeeper against passers-by), performed across five Spanish cities in crowded squares, 50.000 onlookers,75 journalists informed and 202 publications on national media (audience: 73 mill pax).
Salud de la Mujer Dexeus
Special Post-Surgery Swimwear is a swimwear line specially designed for women who have undergone a mastectomy due to breast cancer to see themselves as and feel beautiful by means of adapted, fashionable swimwear, at an affordable price, which provides security and comfort when moving and swimming.
An Unexpected Skype VideoCall
Text100, Text100
“La vida inesperada” (“The unexpected life”) was one of the most anticipated Spanish movies of the season and one of its main stars was Skype. Skype features in 5 scenes in the movie. We developed an online campaign: ‘The Unexpected Skype videocall’ engaging with movie-goers and Skype fans, raising awareness of the movie and to attract the attention to the importance of Skype within the film
The California Walnut Commission
A cocktail with walnuts, please
Inforpress had the goal to make walnuts into an innovative ingredient used by the food industry. Proposal: a cocktail collection with walnuts. Methodology: an alliance with a great master of cocktail world, Javier de las Muelas. Result: a PR inspiration converted in the launching of a new product category and a future consumption trend. A ROI of 441% and next presentation in Germany, USA and Japan
49. Portugal
L’Oréal Healthy Sun Time
Lift Consulting
In 2014, Garnier Ambre Solaire decided to raise awareness among the Portuguese for the importance of protecting the skin from solar radiation and prevent skin cancer. Garnier joined the Portuguese League Against Cancer (LPCC) and launched “Healthy Sun Time” to half a million children in the 1st cycle of Basic Education.
This project released 52 news items – AVE of almost €500,000.00!
Hill+Knowlton Strategies Portugal
We created for Amb3E a PR awareness campaign with a new brand, POW-Give POWer to the Electron, to promote the recycling of WEEE to teens and schoolchildren. We focused on digital strategy supported by several stakeholders' partnerships. Creating and uploading videos, teens became Amb3E’s ambassadors. We achieved 574 videos, 3,74h of content produced and 1.464,27h of visualized content.
L'Oréal Women in Science
Lift Consulting
The 2014 L’Oréal Portugal “FOR WOMEN IN SCIENCE PROGRAM” edition was the 10th edition in Portugal and 3 new scientists were distinguished.
The communication challenge for this project was to keep the media and public interested achieving a wide mediatic coverage for the event. It released 89 news items – over 550,000 AVE – gathering 150 guests in the event and accomplishing a reach of 14million.
Skype: The love brand celebrates 10 years
To celebrate Skype’s 10th anniversary Microsoft Portugal developed a PR campaign to highlight how the tool connects people across the world. Due to the economic crisis many families are separated in Portugal and the campaign celebrated stories of families reunited through Skype. Although there was no budget for the campaign the topic resonated with consumers and secured a large amount of coverage.
Feed an abandoned animal with OLX
Corpcom - Prime Relations
This project created an innovative way to increase conciseness and help associations and NGO’s to gather food for abandoned animals. With a simple click, people could donate food and adopt an abandoned animal. A high impact media has raised people’s engagement and interaction. More than 30 million clicks helped to raise almost 24 tons of food for abandoned animals and 41 adoptions.
50. Italy, Malta
Publicis Consultants Italia
Dacia Sponsor Day
Dacia Sponsor Day wanted to provide small business owners with something they could never afford through an online contest in which 3 small business owners could win to have their company name appear on Udinese’s football shirts during an official Serie A league game.
The outcome was impressive with over 4.000 participants and 95% of national media covered the contest on over 700 news stories.
AXA Assicurazioni
Nati per Proteggere
AXA Nati per Proteggere is the Italian adaptation and enhancement of the global Born to Protect TV and WEB testimonial campaign. Putting a spin on media through focused investments and PR activities, Nati per Proteggere is a 360 integrated multi touch point project which - through a contest - engages consumers' spontaneous storytelling on natiperproteggere.it interactive digital platform.
Immobiliare.it and UNICEF italy
Turning homes into vaccines
Donating your home to support an NGO it's a great gesture, yet this can turn into a problem for the association inheriting the property, as it comes with taxes, maintenance costs and other expenses. From the meeting between Immobiliare.it and the Italian UNICEF committee arose the experimental project "Turning homes into vaccines" which succeded in converting real estate donations into funds
A Better Ending
Weber Shandwick
To tackle the hidden & extensive problem of alcoholism in Italy, we built an emotional campaign that for the 1st time looked at alcoholics’ quality of life, told their stories & showed anyone can become alcohol-dependent; it is a disease, not merely a bad habit; and help is available. The cost of alcohol-related problems equates to 2-5% of GDP; this government-supported campaign engaged thousands.
Pfizer Italia srl
Viverla Tutta: a patient storytelling project (Pfizer)
Havas PR Milan Srl
Viverla Tutta is a Pfizer corporate and CSR initiative aimed at giving voice to patients and caregivers through the storytelling. In 2014 it led to the publication of a graphic novel with 10 stories of illness from the over 4,000 collected. The campaign thus met a social need, and thanks to a partnership with the National Institute of Health has started a change in the Italian healthcare system.
51. Germany
Ja, sicher! Wir sind Draufgänger! (Oh yes, we are daredevils!) How Momondo got Germany laughing and listening
Metasearch engine Momondo operates in a crowded marketplace. It challenged LEWIS to develop a campaign to gain market share and traffic. The team focused on positioning Momondo as a storyteller. Unusual surveys were conducted, aimed at raising eyebrows, smiles and coverage. Over 175 million viewers were reached and traffic to website was boosted by 23%.
Mission: HD for Germany
ergo Unternehmenskommunikation GmbH & Co. KG
In Germany, to watch commercial TV channels via satellite in HD quality you need the paid HD+ service. Many satellite households don’t know this; we set out to inform Germany – with live HD checks in the living rooms of TV viewers and by converting the entire island of Heligoland to HD+ with a spectacular world record. In short: A 360° campaign; low media costs; over 100 million contacts.
Reckitt Benckiser (RB) Deutschland GmbH
Initiative Schmerzlos
Schmittgall Werbeagentur GmbH, newswerk - Agentur für Public Relations GmbH
Teenagers in pain are seriously undersupplied with sufficient therapeutic care in Germany. Information for age-appropriate treatment is missing. Pain in teenagers is often trivialized by parents & teachers. Therefore, the Initiative Schmerzlos (=Painfree), founded in 2013 by RB Germany & renowned medical experts, aims to inform & educate about causes of pain in teenagers and appropriate treatment.
TenneT TSO GmbH
Courage to talk on equal terms: Community dialogue for SuedLink – Germany’s largest infrastructure project for the energy transition
navos - Public Dialogue Consultants GmbH
To succeed in its energy transition, Germany must expand its electricity grids. But once a project starts, interest groups, local politics & media protest.
The SuedLink DC line is a central project here. Fierce criticism arose just as TenneT published preliminary plans. TenneT responded quickly & effectively: with communal info-marts – direct dialog & participation along the transmission corridor.
yourfone.de GmbH
yourfone.de #HoliCalling Crossmedia Campaign
beebop media ag
Objective of the campaign was making the exclusive sponsoring by our client yourfone.de of the Holi Festivals come alive - not only for the visitors on site, but also to give all social media fans the opportunity to participate online in it. For this purpose, we have conceptualised and implemented the interactiv campaign #HoliCalling.
52. Switzerland, Austria
Bolton Austria GmbH
The Mystery Scent Oasis
Ketchum Publico
We helped launch Borotalco, a deodorant, with the perfect tease. We turned Stephansplatz, Vienna’s foulest-smelling underground station, into a mystery “scent stop”. 1.6m commuters caught a whiff. We timed our reveal with Europe’s biggest outdoor music fest 4 days later, when the station got high traffic. Our “Smell It, Love It!” campaign worked: Borotalco garnered 2% market share in 3 months.
A1 goes green. Austria’s leading communications provider introduces the first CO2 neutral network.
In 2013, Austria’s no 1 telecoms provider A1 decided to run its network CO2 neutral. This massive effort also had to be reflected in the external positioning. In an integrated campaign headed by corporate communications, A1 introduced the “green network” to stakeholders, clients & the general public. The campaign raised the perception of A1 as a sustainable company by 10% within a year.
Die Grünen - Die Grüne Alternative Bundespartei
Austrian Green Party EP election campaign
Jung von Matt/Donau Werbeagentur GmbH
Entitled “Your Europe can do better! Your vote is more important than you think!”, the Green Party election campaign focused on hotly-debated European topics while portraying Europe as an individual project of hope for the future.
With 14.5% of the votes, it was the best showing in Green Party history, and enough to bring top candidate Ulrike Lunacek the post of European Parliament Vice President
Lindt & Sprüngli (International) AG
Grand Opening of the LINDT #Chocolate Heaven
For the opening of the highest LINDT Chocolate Shop #ChocolateHeaven on the Jungfrau Mountain on 3454 m asl, an outstanding event was realized:
With our brand ambassador and tennis champ Roger Federer challenging Olympic Ski racer Lindsey Vonn on a tennis court in the middle of snow and ice, we could gain global media & viral interest but most importantly increase the likeability for Lindt.
Mazda (Suisse S.A)
Mazda - Voilà ma Suisse
Edelman Suisse, JWT Fabrikant
Mazda in Switzerland is mainly seen as a good price-value brand. To change the brand perception into a more emotional and engaging brand Mazda established a campaign, which allows as many people as possible to experience and share a personal Story while driving and experiencing the Mazda products. “Voilà ma Suisse” is a social media campaign putting Switzerland emotionally on the map.
53. Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg
Olympic speed skating campaign 2014
House of Sports
In the Olympic Winter season we wanted to make KPN visible as thé authentic sponsor of the Dutch speed skating. Results: 13.7 million euro in value weighted media (TV, print, online and social); KPN most visible Dutch Olympic sponsor; traffic and sales boost with 9 million extra turnover; increase of brand loyalty, sympathy and preference; increase of all brand values; increase of NPS score.
Introduction of Vodafone SmartPass
Glasnost International B.V.
As a new player in the financial world, Vodafone wanted to be the first to communicate about mobile contactless payments. We developed a campaign that revolved around Vodafone's vision: the wallet will be history. The centrepiece of the layered campaign was the first wallet-less street, where media and influencers could only shop with their mobile phone. It generated €550,000 in PR value
APCO Worldwide
APCO’s @EPElections Twitter Feed
APCO created @EPElections, which quickly became the must-follow Twitter account to join online conversations surrounding the May 2014 European Parliament elections and European Commission changeover. @EPElections has more than 6,300 followers including influential politicians, officials, think tanks, bloggers and journalists. It has transformed APCO’s reputation for social media in Brussels.
Call of Duty: Ghosts Launch (Benelux)
The launch of the latest Call of Duty game is a huge launch activity for Activision year-on-year. For CoD: Ghosts launch in Benelux,Text100 recommended organising an integrated campaign combining an exclusive launch event with buzz built up through pre-launch activities, all supported with great media opportunities and an intensified use of social media with celebrity endorsements and partnerships
KPN Business Course 2014: Clients of the Future
Steam Advertising
KPN is Netherland’s largest telecom provider. Working at KPN means you work for the client. If you are in sales, ict , maintenance, etc. It’s why clients play a major part in all communication. For her business course KPN recruits 25 students. The high potentials from now who will shape KPN’s future of tomorrow. What if we have the candidates for this business course meet their future clients?
54. Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland
Falu Rödfärg
The Moonhouse
Rippler Communications
In 2014 Falu Rödfärg, the original Swedish red paint celebrated its 250-year anniversary and sought to bring the brand into the future. The idea was to revive the first art project on the Moon (that had been put on hold after the financial crisis in 2008) through crowdfunding. The Moonhouse became global news, reaching over 900 million people all over the globe and took the brand into the future.
Get the Font up!
Have you ever looked at the back of a chocolate bar wrapping to see if it contains nuts, and realized you can’t read the information? Well, you are not alone. More than 2 million Norwegians have problems reading print on packaging. This is a dangerous situation as many products contain additives, food stuffs and other chemicals that people may be allergic to. NABP took action and handled it.
Jyske Bank c/o Støvring Woodward
Every Company is a Media Company
Jyske Bank has transformed our communications department into an Online TV Station that produces content daily from our Headquarters studio, from Copenhagen, at NASDAQ in New York & from other global sites. Our content lives on the web, including our new 24/7-channel Jyske Bank TV LIVE! sending financial news, in-depth documentaries & interviews to thousands of Danish screens all day, every day.
Knit for New Life
Knit for New Life
Iteo Consulting
Iteo helped pro-bono client Knit for New Life with everything from founding the organization, implemented and assisted with all marketing communications and advice, find sponsors and handled media and digital channels. Result: A massive community engagement, knitting 2 tons of knitted incubators, distributed to 17 hospitals in Tanzania giving more than 15 000 newborns a warmer/safer start to life
LO National Confederation of Trade Unions
Denmark seen from abroad
Advice A/S, Entrance Aps
A tv and cinema campaign targeted at young Danes about the content of collective agreements on maternity leave, paid vacation, paid sick days and savings for pension. Four videos show people on the street in USA and Lithuania giving their immediate response to the rigths Danish wage eaners have on the issues via collective agreements. Recognition in the target Group: 75%.
55. Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia
Crematorium: Changing Beliefs and Fighting Fears
Ad verum
Lithuanians have always felt negative about cremation, so our goal was to make the general public comfortable with K2 LT, the first cremation service center in Lithuania. With various means - exhibitions, excursions and media pitches - we managed to raise the crematorium approval rating in polls by 25 percent and expand the number of cremations by 50 percent in the last year.
Altia Eesti AS
Altia restores Saaremaa Island's iconic windmills
Corpore Public Relations
After being named “Cheater of the Year” by Estonian island of Saaremaa for exploitation of the island’s name and symbolic windmill, Saaremaa Vodka producer Altia started a long-term project of restoring iconic Saaremaa windmills and preserving the windmill manufacturers’ craft – an ancient skill of Saaremaa men, thus giving back to the local community and shifting public opinion in its favor.
ERGO Insurance SE Lithuanian branch
“A Fashion that Saves”
The Project stemmed out to contribute to the law amendment initiated by the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Lithuania Law to wear reflective vests for cyclists. During the largest cycling event in Lithuania ERGO featured a special zone where cyclists with famous designers developed stylish shining shirts to be safe on the roads.
Estonian Song and Dance Celebration 2014
Communication Agency JLP
Song and dance celebrations are an old and meaningful tradition for Estonians - a genuine Estonian celebration with choir music and folk dancing. In July 2014, ca 32,000 singers and 10,000 dancers performed in Tallinn bringing together the audience of over 100 000 people from Estonia and abroad. The celebration had the largest number of local and international media ever sharing the story of touch
Lietuvos draudimas
Zero Road Rage
Integrity PR
Lithuanian general non-life insurance market leader Lietuvos draudimas (LD) aimed to recharge its CSR activities on road traffic safety. Integrity PR developed a long-term flagship campaign Zero road rage – the first ever campaign in Lithuania on driver emotions. Already a half year later the campaign proved to be highly positive to both – driver behavior and LD’s public perception & preference.
56. Poland, Russia, Ukraine
Projekt Test
Generation Minus – free from HIV
Partner of Promotion Sp. z o.o.
In Poland HIV prevention is a taboo subject. Thanks to the „Project Test – Generation Minus” we managed to change it. Direct result of campaign: number of women getting tested increased for over 80%. Why it’s so important? Appropriately early detection of infection of mother, makes it possible to deliver treatment and prevent child from HIV. Agency and celebrities supported campaign pro bono.
Moscow City Government
“I Help My City” Festival
In Russia projects aimed at socializing physically impaired people, employment of mothers with many children, support of children from orphanages and other socially-oriented businesses face numerous legislative and operational problems. CROS initiated “I Help My City" Festival, aimed at forming the business and authorities community synergy to support social-oriented projects in Moscow.
Tesco Polska
Tesco for Schools - "Talent not to waste"
Garden of Words
An educational program helped children learn about food waste problem through play, mobilizing their families and communities to educate and change attitudes. The biggest lesson on reducing food waste in Poland had over 6000 schoolchildren educating over 250000 people and contributed to documented improvement of food management by children in participating schools.
The Coca-cola Company
PR-support of Coca-Cola Company as Presenting partner of Sochi 2014 Olympic Torch Relay
R.I.M. Porter Novelli
As Presenting Partner of Sochi 2014 Olympic Torch Relay the Coca-Cola Company committed to make it a truly nation-wide celebration bringing the Olympic spirit to all people across Russia. Millions attended dedicates events, watched the Relay, applied to become a torchbearer or voted to choose one – meaning that nearly every Russian citizen’s life was touched by Sochi 2014 Olympic Spirit.
Ukrpochta (Ukrainian Mail)
Santa's Residence
SPN Communications, SPN Communications Ukraine
Seeking to shift its image from cold to caring, Ukrainian Mail mined a great story within its own business. Each year, tons of letters are sent to Santa, but go nowhere. The company opened Santa’s first ever residence in Ukraine so he has an address and kids can write and visit him. 67,000 letters, 56,000 happy kids and thousands of dreams come true, with 600 positive media hits reaching 85 mln!
57. Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia
Turns the toughest tender
Punk, motorcyclists, tattoo artists, rap, football hooligans, untraditional mothers, Krav Maga, women’s body fitness and Milka chocolate? The aim of the project “Turns the toughest tender” is to discuss subcultures and prejudices that are often held against them and to show that the tougher-looking subcultures can also have a tender side. And Milka helps to bring this tender side out of everyone.
Generali Foundation CZE
Potholes Project
Generali Pojistovna a.s., Plus Design & Marketing s.r.o.
Potholes project(Vymoly.cz) helps to improve condition of
roads and ensures effective communication between drivers
and road maintenances. In 2013 drivers identified more than
3500 road potholes. 44% of them were repaired by the end
of last year. Road maintenances confirm that Potholes project
is a welcome tool, based on which road maintenances are
better able to prioritize repairs. ROI is 4250%
Heineken Hungária Sörgyárak Zrt.
Soproni Full of Optimism
ACG Advertising Agency
The main goal for Soproni is to hold its market leader position and strengthen the brand. To reach our goals we decided to reposition the brand using a typical Hungarian attitude, the national pessimism. So the Soproni brand undertook the new mission to lead the way and guide Hungarians towards a more positive life by encouraging them to begin to think and act more positively.
How LEWIS launched Lenovo to a new generation
Chinese technology giant Lenovo needed to boost appeal to its target ‘next gen’ market of 18 to 25 year-olds. Taking Lenovo’s mantra, the LEWIS team launched a competition to give students funding and equipment to start businesses. In just two months, LEWIS engaged 8,000 students and gained 16,000 new Facebook fans, exceeding the target by 10,000.
Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company
Smile Academy
AMI Communications
The client asked for an untraditional launch for the new Orbit Bubblemint chewing gum. The agency sparked a nationwide discussion which went beyond the campaign and which supported its focus.Within two months of the market launch, Bubblemint chewing gum ranked among the top three best-selling products in its category in the Czech Republic.
58. Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina
"Our Premature Children" Foundation, supported by AbbVie Bulgaria
“The biggest heroes are the youngest ones”
Chapter 4 Bulgaria
Prematurity becomes a sensitive topic for the Bulgarian society after the state refuses to provide funds for the health of premature infants with lowest weight. The project's goal is to start a process of awareness and involvement of the society, media and institutions. The idea of premature infants being the real heroes of our society was heart felt by a large group of people, companies, media.
Henkel Romania
Super Meserias Ceresit
Babel Communications SRL
Super Meserias Ceresit project started in Romania in 2013 and successfully continued in 2014, helping professionals in the constructions field become Supercraftsmen. The project aimed to meet the needs of all craftsmen, not only offering them best products available, but also giving them the opportunity to promote themselves right on one of Henkel’s websites, for more personal benefits.
Lenovo Smartphone Launch - Serbia
The Lenovo Smartphone Launch campaign was unique as a result of the original approach. The campaign was multi-channel and integrated on a multi-level basis, allowing a synergy of PR, BTL, Digital, Creative and Marketing & Sales. The campaign was a great success: an estimated 150 people gathered in front of the first store waiting for sales start; 100 articles generated with the reach of 66,527,600
Windows 8.1 – It’s Personal
Microsoft Bulgaria wanted to demonstrate the benefits of Windows 8.1 for everyday consumers and developed a campaign showing how Microsoft’s platform can be tailored to individual consumer needs. The team organised a fashion centred event with lifestyle media, bloggers and consumers to highlight how technology can be part of our own personal brand.
Vip mobile doo
Vip Family Companies - Economy Pillar
Chapter 4 Serbia, Pro Educa
Family companies represent the pillar of the global economy: even though they generate over 50% of the world GDP, 60% of employment, creating 75% of new jobs, in Serbia they were totally neglected. Vip mobile supported project for Serbian family companies helping them reach the needed knowledge for successful development, and raising media and government awareness of family companies importance.
59. Greece, Cyprus
WIND Hellas Telecommunications
Q Re-Launch Campaign
McCann-Erickson Athens
Q is an established brand within the Greek prepaid market. For the last 11 years, Q used a specific & unconventional approach for its communication with focus on economy, simplicity & humor.
Since 2012, Q started showing decline in terms of revenue & limited credentials regarding its brand image.
It was time for a big change: A Relaunch Campaign to bring Q back into life & revive its core essence.
Airfasttickets, You Make My Life Beautiful
Weber Shandwick
Online travel agency Airfasttickets needed a boost in its home market, Greece. The ‘You make my life beautiful’ campaign created a strapline and cemented it in the Greek public’s imagination with a catchy new pop song. The multi-channel campaign created huge buzz, engaged hundreds of thousands of fans, and directly led to an astonishing rise in bookings: sales for 2014 are up 1,937%.
Marks & Spencer Greece
Marks & Spencer Greece Revisited
Designed to promote brand’s key assets (fashion character, sophisticated design, high quality clothes and affordable prices) through a series of creative actions, the integrated communication plan for Marks & Spencer Greece was successful in renewing brand’s obsolete image, bringing it again in the spotlight as a contemporary fashion brand and tripling positive publicity
WIND Hellas Telecommunications SA
Cyberkid, making the web world a better place for children
WIND entered into a strategic alliance with the Cyber Crime Unit (CCU) of the Hellenic Police to develop the Cyberkid campaign; an informative campaign regarding internet safety for minors. WIND & CCU developed a “Digital playground” & a “Cyberkid application” to provide a safe gaming environment for children as well as educate on digital safety issues.
Greece Innovates
Valuecom, Valuecom
"Greece Innovates!" is a competition for Applied Research and Innovation organized by Eurobank and the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises every 2 years. In 2014 for the 3rd competition we created a digital communication strategy focusing in instigating a dialogue within the scientific community, highlighting the wide spectrum of research in Greece, and driving engagement and participation.
60. Turkey
My Car is on Vacation
One of the most creative project of OMSAN, My Car is On Vacation, saves our customers from the trouble of driving long hours on road, risks of traffic accidents and high car rental prices. While our customers enjoying their plane ride, OMSAN transports their cars with trucks and brings them back at the end of the vacation. General idea of campaign was to inform them about this wonderful project.
Akbank T.A.S.
Our Hearts Beat for Cinema
AlphaDog Digital Advertising Agency
Supporting the Istanbul Film Festival for the past ten years, Akbank decided to connect with cinephiles directly and use technology to flesh out their genuine emotions for movies.
We have developed a project that would embody the love for cinema. We have transformed the spectators' passion for cinema into numbers by monitoring their heartbeat throughout the screening.
DASK Earthquake Resistant Building Design Competition
Grup 7 Communications Agency
This is a competition in which students of civil engineering and architecture participate to design the most earthquake-resistant building to be tested on a shake table. The objective is to raise awareness about the importance of both earthquake-resistant buildings and earthquake insurance in Turkey since minor earthquake damage may occur despite all the structural precautions taken.
Garanti Bank
The Most Targeted Mobile Ad
Our main target was the new customers who did not have the Garanti mobile banking app.We tweaked Turkey's most used news applications to look for Garanti mobile banking app. If the app was found nothing happened. We displayed a mobile banner only when the banking app wasn't found. This new targeting solution made the banner visible only to potential new customers and made every impression count.
Erişilebilir Turizm Engelsiz Istanbul/ Accessible Tourism Abled Istanbul
Main idea is to enable the disabled to have a touristic trip to Istanbul in which every part of the society has a strong interest on a global scale, without a need of anyone’s help. The success of the project will be to form a sustainable model for the disabled tourism, to ensure the disabled to be more active in cultural domain, to raise the number of domestic-foreign disabled tourists.